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titleFormat of Meeting

This meeting will be organized as a group discussion. Although at times one or more of us may lead discussion sections, it is meant to be a group discussion and not a series of presentations.

Meeting Notes will likely be taken on PiratePad:

titleAgenda still in the works / Please add topic suggestionsFeedback on Agenda is Welcome

The Agenda is still a work in progress. Please feel free to add your topic ideas to the , and feedback is welcome. If you'd be willing to lead the discussion on a particular topic, please add your name next to the topic in the draft agenda below.
In addition, please continue to add topic ideas to the #Possible Open Discussion Topics list below, and we will do our best to find a spot for that discussion within the agenda. If you'd be willing to lead the discussion on a particular topic, you can also add your name next to the topic.

DRAFT AGENDA: (Feedback is welcome!)

"Master of Ceremonies (MC)": Richard Rodgers, MIT

9:00am: Introductions, Overview of Day (Richard Rodgers)


9:45am: DCAT Discussions (Discussion Leader: Val Hollister)

  • Developer / DCAT collaboration - how has it been, what improvements can we make


  • We will discuss "hot topics" decided by all of us (See #Possible Open Discussion Topics listing)
  • This time can also be used to touch back on topics from earlier in the days' discussion.

Noon - 1:30pm: Lunch Break


1:30pm: 3.0 Planning / Updates Session (Discussion Leaders: 3.0 Release Team members)


4:00ish: End Meeting & Depart for a Local Pub

Possible Open Discussion Topics

This is a list of topics which we may wish to touch upon either during the "Open Discussion" period, or during another part of the day. This list is unordered and unranked.
