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 Times: 10 AM central, 11 AM Eastern, 17:00 Europe


Wednesday, November 29 at 11:00 EDT

Draft Agenda for November 2023 VIVO Leadership Group

Note New Date

Due to the EuroCRIS meeting and the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States, we have to move our November VIVO Leadership Group meeting from Nov. 22 to Nov. 29.

Meeting via the Zoom link: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 978 9514 1424

Passcode: 026408

Times: 10 AM central, 11 AM Eastern, 17:00 Europe

Announcements (0 mins)

  • Links for the recording/slides of the VIVO dynamic API presentation by Dragan, Brian and Georgy. Download: (meant for Leadership)

Discussion (50 mins)

  1. Introduction of the new Texas A&M representative, Derrick Halling. (Bruce, 5 mins).
  2. Report from the EuroCRIS meeting Spain, Nov. 21-23. (Anna and Mic, 5 mins)
  3. Reminder that I need content for the Annual Report (Bruce, 2 mins)

Thanks to everyone who responded.  Bruce and Mic will complete the annual report.

       4. Lyrasis update (Laurie, 5 mins)

Laurie Arp has moved to new responsibilities at Lyrasis.  As a Senior Director, Laurie directs hosting services and the community supported open-source programs housed at Lyrasis including: ArchivesSpace, CollectionSpace, DSpace, Fedora and VIVO.

Lyrasis is developing hosting services for DSpace.  Successful completion may provide an opportunity for VIVO to be the next platform to be developed.

Mic Mennielli is taking over lead program coordinator for the VIVO community.

        5. Developer Update (Dragan, 10 mins) – (This was tabled until next year)

  • What has the group been working on?
  • What is the biggest challenge facing the group? How can we help?
  1. VIVO Quarterly Report (Terrie, 5 mins) – (This was tabled last month)
  • Overall, we are slightly behind on revenue expectations and slightly over on expected expenses.
  1. Elections Results and a Call for Officers (Bryan, 10 mins)

Congratulations and thank you to all willing to serve on the Leadership Group:

  • Damaris Murry, Director, Faculty Data Project, Duke University (Platinum)
  • Terrie Wheeler, Director, Weill Cornell Medicine Samuel J Wood Library (Platinum)
  • Robert Cartolano, AVP for Digital Programs & Technology Services, Columbia University Libraries (Gold)
  • Tom Cramer, AUL, Chief Technology Strategist, Stanford University Libraries (Gold)
  • Thomas (Derek) Halling, Associate University Librarian for Research & Digital Scholarship, Texas A&M University Libraries (Gold)
  • Federico Ferrario, Solutions Manager, Cineca (Silver)
  • Nora Dimmock, Deputy University Librarian, Brown University (Silver)
  • L Bryan Cooper, Associate Dean for Engagement & Innovation, Florida International University Bronze)
  • Christian Hauschke, Librarian, Library & Information Studies, TIB Hannover, Bronze Representative
  • Anna Guillaumet, Research Manager, SIGMA (Bronze member), Community Representative
  • Brian Lowe, Owner and Developer, Ontocale, Community Representative
  • Washington Segundo, Coordenador, Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology, Community Representative