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Wiki Markup
We took notes & shared additional links via IRC. (Starts at \[20:01\])

Actionable Takeaways

  • REST API Takeaways
    1. Look to replace Sakai bus implemenation with something else (Spring WebMVC?) – Unassigned (though Mark Diggory & Bojan Suzic have been discussing)
    2. Install REST API on (allows for more testing/visability, etc) – Unassigned (Tim can take if no one else has time)
    3. "RESTFul DSpace" philosophy:
      • Individual REST APIs should stay simple & not attempt to replace/rewrite any existing standards (e.g. SWORD).
      • We should encourage multiple RESTful interfaces (similar to Twitter). For example, Search/Browse API may likely be separate from the basic REST API.
      • We should also encourage multiple implementations (as necessary), with an eye towards choosing a "best in class".
  • Discovery Takeaways
    1. Prototype whether Elastic Search can be used as an alternative to Solr. (Assigned: Kevin Van De Velde)
    2. Vote on whether Discovery should become default or even "only" Search/Browse mechanism in future.
  • Maven Project Consolidation Takeaways
    1. Document our new standard Maven Project structure (SWORD2 is the model). Eventually this should go under: Advanced Customisation
    2. Test to ensure this new consolidated structure still works well with major IDEs
    3. Actually consolidate existing Maven subprojects (e.g. XMLUI and JSPUI subprojects) to use this new structure (Assigned: Mark Diggory with help from others)
  • Metadata for all Objects
    • Any takeaways?
  • Business Logic API
    • Any takeaways?
  • Virtual Summit itself
    • Mostly positive feedback so far (Send your feedback to Tim!)
    • In future, may want to hold Summit from Mon-Thurs (4 days). The Friday meeting is harder as it ends up being Friday evening in Europe/UK & Saturday morning in NZ.
    • Regularly Scheduled Summit?
      • Once a year? e.g. January/February
      • Twice a year? e.g. January & May/June
      • Three times a year? e.g. January, May & Sept