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When: Monday, 2023-09-11, 10:00–12:15 AM
Where: Stabi Berlin ([More Information]( - there will be signs to the actual room 
SWIB programme: 

Table of Contents

Topics (Notes are below!)

- Research projects - from grants to projects, Hercules Ontology etc.
- What is a research project?
- What does it look like in other standards? CERIF, KDSF etc...
- What relations do we have?

Participants (incomplete, ca. 20 persons)

- Christian Hauschke (TIB)
- Jose Francisco Salm Junior (Universidad de Catalina)
- Georgy Litvinov (TIB)
- Tatiana Walther (TIB)
- Rolf Guescini (BUA)
- Sophie Biesenbender (KFID)
- Göde Both (KFID)
- Sonja Schulze (Uni Osnabrück)
- Percy Scheller (Weizenbaum-Institut)
- Marie Menzel (HS Hannover)
- Marie-Charlott Aust (ARL)
- Katrin Hoffmann (ZOiS)
- Rouven Schabinger (SLSP)
- Birte Rubach (TIB)
- Benjamin Kampe (TIB)
- Raphaëlle Lapôtre (EHESS)


- Introduction ~18 people
- Grants vs. projects
    - Hercules as an approach to improve project representation
    - DSGVO problems as another motivation
        - linking information is problematic
        - working on open science is difficult
        - now focus on projects with people removed from the model
    - should be aligned with KDSF and CERIF
- vertically aligning data with ontologies, horizontally with classifications and similar vocabularies
    - Forschungsfeldklassifikation
- Searching for competency questions on projects
    - What do the different stakeholders want to see? Funders, researchers, institutions
    - trying to build competency questions into the interface, making complex queries actionable by humans
    - politics, 
    - researchers, 
        - represent information to enable connecting between researchers
        - leaving behind the old scholarly circle, going to open research
        - privacy: Do we have to publish information on gender or payment
    - institutions
        - type of projects
        - how many
        - role in the project
            - junior or lead
        - institutional perspective
        - subprojects are important
        - role of subprojects in diverse outputs (publications, events)
        - prestige of institution can be measured by the role in projects, how many big projects are led by the institution
        - measuring impact of projects - lockframe standard for measuring impact
        - knowledge and technology transfer is getting more important
        - how to model interdisciplinarity
        - disciplinary background of researchers
        - in french portal interdisciplinarity was hard to model
        - what should be classified? The project or the output?
        - concepts, keywords, terms, vocabularies -> different concepts
        - do projects have concepts or only the actors involved?
        - events are output, should be able to classify and query them separately
    - internal controlling
        - measure goals and if they are reached
        - does the institution aligns with its goals and strategies
        - GAIN conference in Boston
        - geographic focus
        - institutional partners
        - topics of projects
    - funders
    - finding employees/talents
        - what tools are you using?
        - Mode of working
        - who is involved
        - what is the current output
        - committed to open source


- identifiers
- openness profile
- time is relevant
    - starts with proposal
    - as soon as it receives funding it has different properties
    - tracing changes is important
    - impact tracing over time is important, too
    - KDSF suggests to report at certain points in time
    - difficult to gather requirements on what is necessary to report
    - funding agencies usually try to get indicators for their funding goals
    - people will ask only for question they can answer
    - output during project, outcome after?
- organisations can have roles too, like persons
    - lead applicant
    - cooperation partner
- Access and permissions
    - ABAC as a relevant layer
    - need to be able to present different views
    - SOLID approach: pods for projects, shared access for shareable information
    - Q: Who owns the project (metadata), who has authority
    - pods can express different levels of evaluation of a project in time and permission

Last words

- if you can share problems with CRIS with French institutions
- Mapping SDGs to projects?
- Extending the work of Rolf and Salm on the competency questions
    - Contact Christian to take part, will take place in the VIVO Interest Group 
- a lot of new input and new impressions!
- Lots of insights on what is a project



Please add yourself to the list of attendees.

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Christian Hauschke, Jose Francisco Salm Jr & Sonja Schulze