Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • How does DSpace use version numbers
  • What is the upgrade path 
  • How to upgrade a DSpace installation from version X.X. to X.Y.


Section 3:  User Interface Basics


  • Administration options for communities, collections and items
  • Changing rights/permissions on a community, collection and item
  • Withdrawing, deleting and editing items
  • "Mapping" / Linking Items to multiple Collections/Communities
  • Editing or Deleting Communities or Collections


Metadata Input Customization* Batch Metadata Editing


  • Metadata Authority Control
  • Adding a Custom Metadata Schema or Custom Metadata Fields


Metadata Input Customization


  • Understand which part of the submission process can be


  • customized
  • Understand


  • field types and definitions
  • Modify

Field Definitions

Field Types


  • the DSpace submission process


  • Enabling RSS Feeds


  • Know how the RSS feeds work in DSpace
  • Be able to set up and understand email alerts
  • Know how to edit the news on the front page


  • Edit the news on the front page


Improving your Indexing by Google / Google Scholar / Other Search Engines


  • Know what statistics DSpace can provide
  • Know how the statistics are collected
  • How to make the statistics publicly available
  • Understand what Google Analytics is and some of the statistics it can provide
Enabling Optional Features




    • Understand what persistent identifiers are, how they work and the benefits to using them in a DSpace repository environment
    • Understand what a handle is – the persistent identifier currently used in DSpace
    • Have an overview of how to apply for a handle
    • Have seen a handle in use
    • Understand how to set up the handle server
    SP -Basics of customizing your Item Submission Process


    • Understand the purpose of workflows
    • Be able to describe the three different workflows available in DSpace and when each might be used
    • Be able to create, modify or remove a workflow step from a collection


    • Create a workflow,


    • submit an item into the collection with the workflow, and




    • complete the workflow
    Change "Browse By"


    • Add a new Metadata field to browse by


    • :


    SP -Managing DSpace Access Statistics


    DSpace Statistics and Google Analytics

    Know what statistics DSpace can provide

    Know how the statistics are collected

    How to make the statistics publicly available

    Understand what Google Analytics is and some of the statistics it can provide


    Changing Header/Footer



    Section 5:




    SP -Look and Feel Customization
    • Understand the different user interfaces to the DSpace software
    • Understand the different levels of customisation that can be done to the DSpace interface
    • Have


    • customized the JSPUI interface


    SP -Metadata Input Customization


    • of


    Understand about input-forms.xml specifically:

    Field Definitions

    Field Types


    • DSpace



    Language Customization


    • Understand what Localization (l10n) & Internationalization (i18n) are
    • Understand how i18n & l10n fits in with DSpace
    • Understand what can be


    • customized in DSpace


    Messages File




    • (message file, emails, news)


    Basic Intro to XMLUI Themes



    Making DSpace XMLUI Your Own (2009 presentation by Tim) 


    Install an Aspect (Manakin)


    Adding "Discovery" (faceted browsing/searching)


    Enabling Embargoing of content in Submission process


    Enabling Creative Commons Licensing options in Submission process


    Enabling OAI-PMH / SWORD / LNI


    SWORD Basics

    Understand what SWORD is

    Know what SWORD could be used for

    Know how SWORD works with DSpace



    Section 6: Advanced Features


    Advanced Administration Tasks




    Bulk Content


    • Know how the batch import and export facility works in DSpace
    • Be able to create a DSpace import package
    • Be able to export an item from DSpace




    Up your DSpace


    Scaling your DSpace


    • Hints on improving performance




    and Moving Servers
    Moving / Copying one Community/Collection to


    Another DSpace (via AIPs)


    Curation Tasks


    Configuring Media Filters (for file indexing and thumbnails)


    Hooking DSpace up to your


    Local Institution Authentication (LDAP, Shibboleth, etc)


    • Understand how DSpace uses LDAP for authentication
    • Be able to configure a DSpace instance to authenticate against an LDAP server
    • Know which tools to use and how to use them in order to test LDAP connection issues


    SP -Using the Checksum Checker (why/how)


    SP -Harvesting Content from an external source via OAI-PMH or OAI-ORE


    SP -Using DSpace with DuraCloud?








    Who's involved?

    -DuraSpace staff activity monitor/s who will find volunteers and 'lightly' monitor community volunteers/contributors

    -DuraSpace staff to provide post-production assistance and other technical questions

    What are the activities?

    -activity monitor will recruit, train and encourage community contributions

    -monitor's role is to recruit contributions and to ensure that community editors are reviewing contributions regularly

                    - activity monitor receives emails when anyone adds/changes content in KB

    - activity monitor checks in periodically (1x per month?) with the community editors about new content review, list of content that needs to be updatedàbrainstorm on who might be able to contribute

                    - most review/editing will be done by volunteers from the community




    Who's involved?

    - volunteer moderators/editors (committers, service providers, subject matter experts, etc.)

    - volunteer contributors

    What are the activities?

    -content contributions

                    -volunteers (either solicited or unsolicited) contribute

    -content review


    Full Table of Contents Outline:

    • What is DSpace
      • why use DSpace? - not mktg piece, help audience understand what DSpace does 
      • what DSpace does really well and not so well
      • why would you chose DSpace vs. Fedora (same content as in Fedora version)
    • Get Started with DSpace (Installation/Setup):
      • Installing DSpace for the First Time - What you need to plan for, how to do it.
      • Overview of DSpace Interface Options (XMLUI, JSPUI, OAI, SWORD, LNI) - What to choose and how to make a decision 
      • Overview of DSpace directories & where data is stored in DSpace (high-level architecture overview).
      • Basic Configuration options – intro to the 'config' directory
      • Feature Overview
      • Intro to Upgrading DSpace
    • Hello, DSpace! (UI Basics):
    • Overview of Communities & Collections - Create your first Community, Create your first Collection
    • Adding Users / Groups
    • DSpace Access Controls / Rights
    • Submit your first Item
    • Browsing & Searching DSpace
    • Editing your DSpace Profile, email notifications, etc.
    • Managing DSpace (DSpace Administration):
      • Managing Content:
        • Administration options for Communities / Collections / Items (may need to be several webinars)
        • Changing Rights/Permissions on a Community / Collection / Item
        • Withdrawing / Deleting / Editing Items
        • "Mapping" / Linking Items to multiple Collections/Communities
        • Editing or Deleting Communities or Collections
        • Batch Metadata Editing
        • Metadata Authority Control
        • Adding a Custom Metadata Schema or Custom Metadata Fields
        • Enabling RSS Feeds
        • Improving your Indexing by Google / Google Scholar / Other Search Engines
    • Enabling Optional Features:
        • Intro to Handle Server?
        • Basics of customizing your Item Submission Process (change metadata fields, steps, etc)
        • Change "Browse By" options (add a new Metadata field to browse by)
        • Managing DSpace Access Statistics
        • Changing Header/Footer
    • How do I look? (Changing the UI):
    • Advanced Administration Tasks
    • Exporting/Importing bulk content
    • Backing up your DSpace instance
    • Scaling your DSpace instance / hints on improving performance
    • Migrating / Moving from one server to another
    • Moving / Copying one Community/Collection to another DSpace (via AIPs)
    • Curation Tasks
    • Configuring Media Filters (for file indexing and thumbnails)
    • Hooking DSpace up to your local Institution Authentication (LDAP, Shibboleth, etc)

    Using the Checksum Checker (why/how)

    Harvesting Content from an external source via OAI-PMH or OAI-ORE

    Using DSpace with DuraCloud?


    From The DSpace Course (RSP/Stuart Lewis)

    The DSpace Course - Stuart Lewis and Chris Yates - August 2008
    An Introduction to DSpace
    How to Get Help
    Repository Structure
    Items in DSpace
    An Introduction to Users and Groups
    An Introduction to Metadata in DSpace
    Technical Basic
    DSpace Configuration
    User management and authentication options
    Metadata Input Customisation
    Look and Feel Customisation
    Language Customisation
    Item Submission Workflows
    Import and Export
    RSS Feeds, Alerts and News
    DSpace Statistics and Google Analytics
    Configuring LDAP
    Upgrading from 1.4. to 1.5
    SWORD Basics
    Course templates