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<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="6640ac6b2901e9ab-951e6135-4a674e20-a4808674-12824ad23bd65a77cb0f7525"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

[DSDOCDEV:dspace]/bin/dspace checker


Java class:

Arguments short and (long) forms):


-L or --continuous

Loop continuously through the bitstreams

-a or --handle

Specify a handle to check

-b <bitstream-ids>

Space separated list of bitstream IDs

-c or --count

Check count

-d or --duration

Checking duration

-h or --help

Calls online help

-l or --looping

Loop once through bitstreams

-p <prune>

Prune old results (optionally using specified properties file for configuration

-v or --verbose

Report all processing


  • Wiki Markup
    *Limited-count mode:* {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-c}} To check a specific number of bitstreams. The _\-c_ option if followed by an integer, the number of bitstreams to check. Example: {{\[dspace/bin/dspace checker \-c 10}} This is particularly useful for checking that the checker is executing properly. The Checksum Checker's default execution mode is to check a single bitstream, as if the option was _\-c 1_
  • Wiki Markup
    *Duration mode:* {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-d}} To run the Check for a specific period of time with a time argument. You may use any of the time arguments below: Example: {{\[dspace/bin/dspace checker \-d 2h}} (Checker will run for 2 hours)













    The checker will keep starting new bitstream checks for the specific durations, so actual execution duration will be slightly longer than the specified duration. Bear this in mind when scheduling checks.
  • Wiki Markup
    *Specific Bitstream mode:* {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-b}} Checker will only look at the internal bitstream IDs. Example: {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-b 112 113 4567}} Checker will only check bitstream IDs 112, 113 and 4567.
  • Wiki Markup
    *Specific Handle mode:* {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-a}} Checker will only check bitstreams within the Community, Community or the item itself. Example: {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-a 123456/999}} Checker will only check this handle. If it is a Collection or Community, it will run through the entire Collection or Community.
  • Wiki Markup
    *Looping mode:* {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-l}} or {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-L}} There are two modes. The lowercase 'el' (-l) specifies to check every bitstream in the repository once. This is recommended for smaller repositories who are able to loop through all their content in just a few hours maximum. An uppercase 'L' (-L) specifies to continuously loops through the repository. This is not recommended for most repository systems. *Cron Jobs*. For large repositories that cannot be completely checked in a couple of hours, we recommend the \-d option in cron.
  • Wiki Markup
    *Pruning mode:* {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-p}} The Checksum Checker will store the result of every check in the checksum_history table. By default, successful checksum matches that are eight weeks old or older will be deleted when the \-p option is used. (Unsuccessful ones will be retained indefinitely). Without this option, the retention settings are ignored and the database table may grow rather large\!


  1. Wiki Markup
    Editing the retention policies in {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/config/dspace.cfg}} See Chapter 5 Configuration for the property keys. OR
  2. Pass in a properties file containing retention policies when using the -p option.To do this, create a file with the following two property keys:
    Code Block
    checker.retention.default = 10y
    checker.retention.CHECKSUM_MATCH = 8w
    Wiki Markup
    You can use the table above for your time units. At the command line: {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-p retention_file_name <ENTER>}}


Wiki Markup
Checksum Checker uses log4j to report its results. By default it will report to a log called {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/log/checker.log}}, and it will report only on bitstreams for which the newly calculated checksum does not match the stored checksum. To report on all bitstreams checked regardless of outcome, use the _\-v_ (verbose) command line option:

Wiki Markup
{{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace checker \-l \-v}} (This will loop through the repository once and report in detail about every bitstream checked.

Wiki Markup
To change the location of the log, or to modify the prefix used on each line of output, edit the {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/config/templates/}} file and run {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/install_configs}}.


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="e9dba37b34cd0c5c-771c5724-48de4aa3-a2a08114-bcf3f9ef8198552e55948f34"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Command used:

[DSDOCDEV:dspace]/bin/dspace checker-emailer


Java class:


Arguments short and (long) forms):


-a or --All

Send all the results (everything specified below)

-d or --Deleted

Send E-mail report for all bitstreams set as deleted for today.

-m or --Missing

Send E-mail report for all bitstreams not found in assetstore for today.

-c or --Changed

Send E-mail report for all bitstreams where checksum has been changed for today.

-u or --Unchanged

Send the Unchecked bitstream report.

-n or --Not Processed

Send E-mail report for all bitstreams set to longer be processed for today.

-h or --help

