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15 minWelcome
  • Welcome
  • Thank you to note-taker


210 minFinancial Report

End of FY22-23 Financial Report

Overall, we are slightly ahead of revenue expectations and below expected expenses.

Fiscal Year Summary

  • The fiscal year is July 1- June 30. This report reflects the end of the fiscal year.
  • Variances include:
    • In DSpace’s favor: membership dues (includes onetime donations), fundraising, SCOSS payments, contract labor, travel, IDC
    • Negative to DSpace: service provider fees (pilot year of revised program) and consultants (in part due to shifting SCOSS expenses to this line)

SCOSS – 3 Year Pledge Campaign

  • Approximately $ 209,000 US pledged so far over 3 years
  • SCOSS funds can only be used to support SCOSS staffing goals (Program Coordinator). That revenue isn’t available for other program activities. Thus, the pledges make it appear we have more funds available for all activities than we do.
  • SCOSS assets
    • Funds received $ 156,739 US so far minus expenses $ 60,029 US: $ 96,709.75 US


  • Overall Net Assets: Retained & current net assets (including SCOSS): $ 163,555 US
  • SCOSS assets (Funds received so far minus expenses): $ 96,709.75 US
  • Available Assets: $ 66,845.00 US
35-10 minMembership and Governance

Membership Renewals

  • Governance nominations and elections
410 minRegistered Service Providers

Registered Service Providers Pilot Year Report

55 minGrants

DSpace Grant Work

615 minStaffing

Program Coordinator Role Next Steps

  • Explore in kind from institution, e.g., visiting program officer
730 minDevelopment

Development Update

  • DSpace 7.6.1
  • DSpace 8.0
    • Tentative release date April 2024
    • Scaled down feature set and focus on community/operations/roadmapping
85 minCommunity Events and Outreach

Community Events updates

95 minDCAT

DSpace Community Advisory Team (DCAT) updates

1010 minFrom the Community


Cornell University

  • Documentation needs
1110 minFrom the Community

World Bank

  • Possibility of resuming North American DSpace user group conferences
  • DSpace 7, Angular 2 and across the board decline in repository usage statistics
  • Constant URLs for bitstreams – Should they make a comeback?
125 minOpen Repositories


  • Takeaways from attendees?
OR 2023 Attendees
135 minOther businessUpdates as time permitsAll
