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Getting content out of DSpace

OAI Support

The Open Archives Initiative has developed a protocol for metadata harvesting. This allows sites to programmatically retrieve or 'harvest' the metadata from several sources, and offer services using that metadata, such as indexing or linking services. Such a service could allow users to access information from a large number of sites from one place.

DSpace exposes the Dublin Core metadata for items that are publicly (anonymously) accessible. Additionally, the collection structure is also exposed via the OAI protocol's 'sets' mechanism. OCLC's open source OAICat framework is used to provide this functionality.

You can also configure the OAI service to make use of any crosswalk plugin to offer additional metadata formats, such as MODS.

DSpace's OAI service does support the exposing of deletion information for withdrawn items, but not for items that are 'expunged' (see above). DSpace also supports OAI-PMH resumption tokens.  See OAI for more information.


DSpace supports FAIR Signposting Profile at Level 2: By supporting the FAIR Signposting Profile at Level 2, your platform demonstrates a commitment to improving the machine accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of scholarly resources. It ensures that the information you provide is standardized, consistent, and easily navigable by both human users and machine agents, contributing to a more efficient and FAIR scholarly web ecosystem. For more information see Signposting.

Command Line Export Facilities

DSpace includes batch tools to export items in a simple directory structure, where the Dublin Core metadata is stored in an XML file. This may be used as the basis for moving content between DSpace and other systems. For more information see Item Importer and Exporter.

DSpace also includes various package exporter tools, which support many common content packaging formats like METS. For more information see Package Importer and Exporter. Additionally, DSpace can import/export Archival Information Packages (AIPs), see AIP Backup and Restore.

Packager Plugins

Packagers are software modules that translate between DSpace Item objects and a self-contained external representation, or "package". A Package Ingester interprets, or ingests, the package and creates an Item. A Package Disseminator writes out the contents of an Item in the package format.

A package is typically an archive file such as a Zip or "tar" file, including a manifest document which contains metadata and a description of the package contents. The IMS Content Package is a typical packaging standard. A package might also be a single document or media file that contains its own metadata, such as a PDF document with embedded descriptive metadata.

Package ingesters and package disseminators are each a type of named plugin (see Plugin Manager), so it is easy to add new packagers specific to the needs of your site. You do not have to supply both an ingester and disseminator for each format; it is perfectly acceptable to just implement one of them.

Most packager plugins call upon Crosswalk Plugins to translate the metadata between DSpace's object model and the package format.

More information about calling Packagers to ingest or disseminate content can be found in the Package Importer and Exporter section of the System Administration documentation.

Crosswalk Plugins

Crosswalks are software modules that translate between DSpace object metadata and a specific external representation. An Ingestion Crosswalk interprets the external format and crosswalks it to DSpace's internal data structure, while a Dissemination Crosswalk does the opposite.

For example, a MODS ingestion crosswalk translates descriptive metadata from the MODS format to the metadata fields on a DSpace Item. A MODS dissemination crosswalk generates a MODS document from the metadata on a DSpace Item.

Crosswalk plugins are named plugins (see Plugin Manager), so it is easy to add new crosswalks. You do not have to supply both an ingester and disseminator for each format; it is perfectly acceptable to just implement one of them.

There is also a special pair of crosswalk plugins which use XSL stylesheets to translate the external metadata to or from an internal DSpace format. You can add and modify XSLT crosswalks simply by editing the DSpace configuration and the stylesheets, which are stored in files in the DSpace installation directory.

The Packager plugins and OAH-PMH server make use of crosswalk plugins.

Supervision and Collaboration

In order to facilitate, as a primary objective, the opportunity for thesis authors to be supervised in the preparation of their e-theses, a supervision order system exists to bind groups of other users (thesis supervisors) to an item in someone's pre-submission workspace. The bound group can have system policies associated with it that allow different levels of interaction with the student's item; a small set of default policy groups are provided:

  • Full editorial control
  • View item contents

Once the default set has been applied, a system administrator may modify them as they would any other policy set in DSpace

This functionality could also be used in situations where researchers wish to collaborate on a particular submission, although there is no particular collaborative workspace functionality.

See Supervision Orders for more details.

User Management

Although many of DSpace's functions such as document discovery and retrieval can be used anonymously, some features (and perhaps some documents) are only available to certain "privileged" users. E-People and Groups are the way DSpace identifies application users for the purpose of granting privileges. This identity is bound to a session of a DSpace application such as the Web UI or one of the command-line batch programs. Both E-People and Groups are granted privileges by the authorization system described below.

User Accounts (E-Person)

DSpace holds the following information about each e-person:

  • E-mail address
  • First and last names
  • Whether the user is able to log in to the system via the Web UI, and whether they must use an X509 certificate to do so;
  • A password (encrypted), if appropriate
  • A list of collections for which the e-person wishes to be notified of new items
  • Whether the e-person 'self-registered' with the system; that is, whether the system created the e-person record automatically as a result of the end-user independently registering with the system, as opposed to the e-person record being generated from the institution's personnel database, for example.
  • The network ID for the corresponding LDAP record, if LDAP authentication is used for this E-Person.



Not yet been implemented. This listed in Tier 3 (see #6 in Tier 3): DSpace Release 7.0 Status#Tier3:MediumPriority

As noted above, end-users (e-people) may 'subscribe' to collections in order to be alerted when new items appear in those collections. Each day, end-users who are subscribed to one or more collections will receive an e-mail giving brief details of all new items that appeared in any of those collections the previous day. If no new items appeared in any of the subscribed collections, no e-mail is sent. Users can unsubscribe themselves at any time. RSS feeds of new items are also available for collections and communities.


Groups are another kind of entity that can be granted permissions in the authorization system. A group is usually an explicit list of E-People; anyone identified as one of those E-People also gains the privileges granted to the group.

However, an application session can be assigned membership in a group without being identified as an E-Person. For example, some sites use this feature to identify users of a local network so they can read restricted materials not open to the whole world. Sessions originating from the local network are given membership in the "LocalUsers" group and gain the corresponding privileges.

Administrators can also use groups as "roles" to manage the granting of privileges more efficiently.

Access Control


Authentication is when an application session positively identifies itself as belonging to an E-Person and/or Group. In DSpace, it is implemented by a mechanism called Stackable Authentication: the DSpace configuration declares a "stack" of authentication methods. An application (like the Web UI) calls on the Authentication Manager, which tries each of these methods in turn to identify the E-Person to which the session belongs, as well as any extra Groups. The E-Person authentication methods are tried in turn until one succeeds. Every authenticator in the stack is given a chance to assign extra Groups. This mechanism offers the following advantages:

  • Separates authentication from the Web user interface so the same authentication methods are used for other applications such as non-interactive Web Services
  • Improved modularity: The authentication methods are all independent of each other. Custom authentication methods can be "stacked" on top of the default DSpace username/password method.
  • Cleaner support for "implicit" authentication where username is found in the environment of a Web request, e.g. in an X.509 client certificate.

For more information see Authentication Plugins


DSpace's authorization system is based on associating actions with objects and the lists of EPeople who can perform them. The associations are called Resource Policies, and the lists of EPeople are called Groups. There are two built-in groups: 'Administrators', who can do anything in a site, and 'Anonymous', which is a list that contains all users. Assigning a policy for an action on an object to anonymous means giving everyone permission to do that action. (For example, most objects in DSpace sites have a policy of 'anonymous' READ.) Permissions must be explicit - lack of an explicit permission results in the default policy of 'deny'. Permissions also do not 'commute'; for example, if an e-person has READ permission on an item, they might not necessarily have READ permission on the bundles and bitstreams in that item. Currently Collections, Communities and Items are discoverable in the browse and search systems regardless of READ authorization.

The following actions are possible:



add or remove items (ADD = permission to submit items)


inherited as READ by all submitted items


inherited as READ by Bitstreams of all submitted items. Note: only affects Bitstreams of an item at the time it is initially submitted. If a Bitstream is added later, it does not get the same default read policy.


collection admins can edit items in a collection, withdraw items, map other items into this collection.



add or remove bundles


can view item (item metadata is always viewable)


can modify item



add or remove bitstreams to a bundle



view bitstream


modify bitstream

Note that there is no 'DELETE' action. In order to 'delete' an object (e.g. an item) from the archive, one must have REMOVE permission on all objects (in this case, collection) that contain it. The 'orphaned' item is automatically deleted.

Policies can apply to individual e-people or groups of e-people.

Usage Metrics

DSpace is equipped with SOLR based infrastructure to log and display pageviews and file downloads. 

Item, Collection and Community Usage Statistics

Usage statistics can be retrieved from individual item, collection and community pages. These Usage Statistics pages show:

  • Total page visits (all time)
  • Total Visits per Month
  • File Downloads (all time)*
  • Top Country Views (all time)
  • Top City Views (all time)

*File Downloads information is only displayed for item-level statistics. Note that downloads from separate bitstreams are also recorded and represented separately. DSpace is able to capture and store File Download information, even when the bitstream was downloaded from a direct link on an external website.

System Statistics

Various statistical reports about the contents and use of your system can be automatically generated by the system. These are generated by analyzing DSpace's log files. Statistics can be broken down monthly.

The report includes following sections

  • A customizable general overview of activities in the archive, by default including:
    • Number of items archived
    • Number of bitstream views
    • Number of item page views
    • Number of collection page views
    • Number of community page views
    • Number of user logins
    • Number of searches performed
    • Number of license rejections
    • Number of OAI Requests
  • Customizable summary of archive contents
  • Broken-down list of item viewings
  • A full break-down of all performed actions
  • User logins
  • Most popular searches
  • Log Level Information
  • Processing information!stats_genrl_overview.png!
    The results of statistical analysis can be presented on a by-month and an in-total report, and are available via the user interface. The reports can also either be made public or restricted to administrator access only.

Digital Preservation

Checksum Checker

The purpose of the checker is to verify that the content in a DSpace repository has not become corrupted or been tampered with. The functionality can be invoked on an ad-hoc basis from the command line, or configured via cron or similar. Options exist to support large repositories that cannot be entirely checked in one run of the tool. The tool is extensible to new reporting and checking priority approaches.

System Design

Data Model

Data Model Diagram

The way data is organized in DSpace is intended to reflect the structure of the organization using the DSpace system. Each DSpace site is divided into communities, which can be further divided into sub-communities reflecting the typical university structure of college, department, research center, or laboratory.

Communities contain collections, which are groupings of related content. A collection may only appear in more than one communityin one community at this time.

Each collection is composed of items, which are the basic archival elements of the archive. Each item is owned by one collection. Additionally, an item may appear in additional collections; however every item has one and only one owning collection.

Items are further subdivided into named bundles of bitstreams. Bitstreams are, as the name suggests, streams of bits, usually ordinary computer files. Bitstreams that are somehow closely related, for example HTML files and images that compose a single HTML document, are organized into bundles.

In practice, most items tend to have these named bundles:

  • ORIGINAL – the bundle with the original, deposited bitstreams
  • THUMBNAILS – thumbnails of any image bitstreams
  • TEXT – extracted full-text from bitstreams in ORIGINAL, for indexing
  • LICENSE – contains the deposit license that the submitter granted the host organization; in other words, specifies the rights that the hosting organization have
  • CC_LICENSE – contains the distribution license, if any (a icenommons license) associated with the item. This license specifies what end users downloading the content can do with the content

Each bitstream is associated with one Bitstream Format. Because preservation services may be an important aspect of the DSpace service, it is important to capture the specific formats of files that users submit. In DSpace, a bitstream format is a unique and consistent way to refer to a particular file format. An integral part of a bitstream format is an either implicit or explicit notion of how material in that format can be interpreted. For example, the interpretation for bitstreams encoded in the JPEG standard for still image compression is defined explicitly in the Standard ISO/IEC 10918-1. The interpretation of bitstreams in Microsoft Word 2000 format is defined implicitly, through reference to the Microsoft Word 2000 application. Bitstream formats can be more specific than MIME types or file suffixes. For example, application/ms-word and .doc span multiple versions of the Microsoft Word application, each of which produces bitstreams with presumably different characteristics.

Each bitstream format additionally has a support level, indicating how well the hosting institution is likely to be able to preserve content in the format in the future. There are three possible support levels that bitstream formats may be assigned by the hosting institution. The host institution should determine the exact meaning of each support level, after careful consideration of costs and requirements. MIT Libraries' interpretation is shown below:


The format is recognized, and the hosting institution is confident it can make bitstreams of this format usable in the future, using whatever combination of techniques (such as migration, emulation, etc.) is appropriate given the context of need.


The format is recognized, and the hosting institution will promise to preserve the bitstream as-is, and allow it to be retrieved. The hosting institution will attempt to obtain enough information to enable the format to be upgraded to the 'supported' level.


The format is unrecognized, but the hosting institution will undertake to preserve the bitstream as-is and allow it to be retrieved.

Each item has one qualified Dublin Core metadata record. Other metadata might be stored in an item as a serialized bitstream, but we store Dublin Core for every item for interoperability and ease of discovery. The Dublin Core may be entered by end-users as they submit content, or it might be derived from other metadata as part of an ingest process.

Items can be removed from DSpace in one of two ways: They may be 'withdrawn', which means they remain in the archive but are completely hidden from view. In this case, if an end-user attempts to access the withdrawn item, they are presented with a 'tombstone,' that indicates the item has been removed. For whatever reason, an item may also be 'expunged' if necessary, in which case all traces of it are removed from the archive.




Laboratory of Computer Science; Oceanographic Research Center


LCS Technical Reports; ORC Statistical Data Sets


A technical report; a data set with accompanying description; a video recording of a lecture


A group of HTML and image bitstreams making up an HTML document


A single HTML file; a single image file; a source code file

Bitstream Format

Microsoft Word version 6.0; JPEG encoded image format

Amazon S3 Support

DSpace offers two means for storing bitstreams. The first is in the file system on the server. The second is using Amazon S3.  For more information, see Storage Layer