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titleRanking of outstanding features into "Tiers"

In April-May 2021, all DSpace Steering & Leadership members were surveyed on the features not yet implemented in 7.0.  They were asked to rank those features on behalf of their institution(s) they represent.  In June 2021, a subset of those members compiled the results into 5 "tiers", based on the results of that survey.  These "tiers" provide the priority of every outstanding feature, and map to a rough plan for at least five 7.x releases.  Features are also ranked within a "tier" based on their number (with #1 being the highest priority within that tier).

titleRoadMap for 7.4 5 (due to be released in October 2022February 2023)

The 7.4 5 release will concentrate on include new features & additional maintenance tasks (bug fixes, usability fixes, etc) to help ensure that sites planning upgrades to 7.x have an excellent experience. We will also attempt to include features which just missed the 7.3 release (listed below as "In development"), along with any features donated by community members. Donated features must be submitted based on the following deadlines to be included in 7.4 5 (otherwise, they will be rescheduled for 7.56):

  • By August December 1, institutions wishing to donate features should "announce" their intentions by either creating a GitHub issue ticket for the donated feature, or commenting on an existing ticket asking to claim it for 7.4.  Tim Donohue and the DSpace 7 Working Group will discuss suggested donated features & provide advice and/or suggestions based on available reviewer resources.  Very large or complex feature may be delayed for 7.5, though development can begin immediately as necessary.  If any feature is very large or complex it will require feedback from Tim Donohue and the DSpace 7 Working Group , before it can be scheduled for a specific release.
  • By December 23By August 26, any donated features must have Pull Request(s) containing suggested code changes corresponding to the feature.  These PR(s) will then be assigned to reviewers to provide feedback on code, etc.
  • During SeptemberJanuary, the DSpace 7 Working Group will review/approve donated PRs.  Members of this team may provide feedback or requests for changes to the PR(s).  We ask that you be responsive, as all PRs must be merged before the end of September by February 10 – any not merged will be delayed for 7.5.immediately rescheduled for the next release.

Please get in touch with Tim Donohue if you have any questions about donating features back to this release.


titleLegend / Key

(tick) = Task has been completed. It is available in the specified release of DSpace 7.x

(info) = Task is scheduled to be worked on and is likely (but not guaranteed) to be included in the next DSpace 7.x release.

(warning) = Task is delayed at this time. It is waiting on reanalysis / reprioritization. Feel free to add feedback to the ticket if this task is a priority to you.

Any tasks without a status icon are not currently scheduled for development, and are unlikely to be in the next DSpace 7.x release (unless a volunteer steps forward to contribute it).


  1. (tick) (Available in 7.4) (Admin) Batch Import from a Zip file in Admin UI, similar to 6.x. In 7.x, it is still possible to batch import from command line, but not yet possible from the Admin UI. (UI ticket #783, REST ticket #2850)
  2. (tick) (Available in 7.4) (Admin) Batch Export an Item or a Collection to Zip file in Admin UI, similar to 6.x. In 7.x, it is still possible to batch export from command line, but not possible from the Admin UI. (UI tickets #775 and #777, REST tickets #2843 and #2845)
    1. NOTE: Community export is not yet possible in 7.4 (see UI Ticket #774, REST ticket #2842), because a correspond import process has never existed in DSpace.
  3. (info) (In development) (Workflow) Full support for custom configurable workflow steps, similar to 6.x.  In 7.x, some workflow step names are hardcoded, so custom named steps may not be recognized automatically. (UI ticket #770, REST ticket #2841)
  4. (info) (In development) (NEW) AIP Backup and Restore should support export/import of Entities & their relationships (REST ticket #2882)
  5. (tick) (Available in 7.3) (General) RSS / ATOM feeds for Site, Community or Collection, similar to 6.x (UI ticket #788 , REST ticket #2864 )
  6. (info) (In development) (General) Ability to subscribe to email updates for a Collection (Manage Subscriptions), similar to 6.x (UI ticket #803, REST ticket #2871).  In 7.x, existing email subscriptions will still work, but they cannot be managed or added from the UI.
  7. (warning) (Delayed, as this feature is highly complex & may require significant effort or external funding.) (NEW) Ability to edit an Archived Item via a submission-like form (i.e. easier to use Edit Item form) (UI ticket #807, REST ticket #2876)
  8. (warning) (In early development. Likely in 7.6 or later) (To be donated) (NEW) COAR Notify Support (Linked Data Notifications / LDN), aligning with recommendations from the COAR Next Generation Repositories Report (REST ticket #8120)
  9. (warning) (Needs discussion / feedback from DCAT & others) (Statistics) Administrative (potentially log-based) statistical reports, similar to 6.x (UI ticket #786, REST ticket #2852)


  1. (tick) (Available in 7.1) (NEW) Simple Archive Format (SAF) Import should support Entity/relationship creation (REST ticket #2883)
  2. (warning) (Needs Discussiondiscussion / feedback) (Admin) Bulk access control management (previously called "Advanced Policy Manager" in 6.x) - The ability to modify policies on several items at once. (UI ticket #781, REST ticket #2848)
  3. (info) (In development) (General) Additional contextual help (e.g. hover-overs which provide hints/tips on using the user interface), similar to 6.x JSPUI (UI ticket #762)
  4. (warning) (Needs discussion / feedback) (Workflow)  Ability to batch claim workflow tasks. In 7.0, you can only claim one task at a time. (UI ticket #771)
  5. (info) (In development) (Submission) Support for kicking off a Curation Task during Submission process, similar to 6.x (REST ticket #2868)
  6. (info) (In development) (Workflow) Migrate additional configurable workflow steps from 6.x, specifically "Select Single Reviewer Workflow", "Score Review Workflow", etc. (REST tickets #2874, #2875
  7. (info) (In development - to be donated) (NEW) OpenAIRE integration with the notification broker and the claim service (UI PR #1562, REST PR #8184)
  8. (NEW) SWORD should support Entity/relationship creation (REST ticket #2884)
  9. (General) Item counts for Communities/Collections (Ticket #1787)


  1. (Admin) Edit homepage news from Admin UI, similar to 6.x JSPUI. (UI ticket #784, REST Contract Ticket #45)
  2. (NEW) Easily embargo an Archived Item using a date-picker or form.  In 7.0, you can embargo an Item by modifying its Policies/Permissions directly (e.g. creating an Anonymous policy that starts on a future date will embargo that item until that date). (UI ticket #778, REST ticket #2846)
  3. (warning) (Needs discussion / feedback) (Search) Advanced Search page, similar to 6.x XMLUI.  In 7.x, Advanced Search options already exist and are documented at, but a separate Advanced Search page doesn't yet exist. (Ticket #8431)
  4. (warning) (Needs discussion / feedback) (General) Display "More like this" (similar items) on an Item page, similar to 6.x XMLUI. (UI ticket #1288)
  5. (tick) (Available in 7.0) (General) View your groups in your user profile page.
  6. (warning) (Needs discussion / feedback)  (Integrations) Migrate SWORDv1 client (ability to send content from DSpace to an external SWORDv1 server) from 6.x (REST ticket #3127)
  7. (warning) (Needs discussion / feedback) (NEW)  Support drag & drop of multiple files at once from MyDSpace page.  In 7.0, only one file can be drag & dropped at a time from MyDSpace. However, you can drag & drop additional files during submission. (UI ticket #820)
  8. (Admin) Edit default deposit license from Admin UI, similar to 6.x JSPUI. (UI ticket #809, REST ticket #2879)
  9. (warning) (Needs discussion / feedback) (Integrations) OpenURL Support (UI ticket #789 , REST ticket #2865 )
  10. (warning) (Needs discussion / feedback) (Statistics) Search reports, similar to 6.x.  Statistics on searches performed in DSpace. (UI ticket #810, REST ticket #2880)
  11. (warning) (Needs discussion / feedback) (General) Tag cloud visualization, similar to 6.x JSPUI. (UI ticket #790 , REST ticket #2866)
  12. (warning) (Needs discussion / feedback) (Statistics) Workflow reports, similar to 6.x.  Statistics on items currently in workflow approval in DSpace. (UI ticket #785, REST ticket #2851)
  13. (warning) (Needs discussion / feedback) (NEW) ResourceSync support, aligning with recommendations from the COAR Next Generation Repositories Report (REST ticket #2318)
