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Code Block
# Switch to production API once ready 
orcid.api-url =
orcid.application-client-id = <YOUR-ORCID-CLIENT-ID>
orcid.application-client-secret = <YOUR-ORCID-CLIENT-SECRET>

To enable the main integration (i.e. connect local profile with ORCID and push data to the ORCID registry) you need to be an ORCID Member, get a Member API Key and proper enable and configure the feature in DSpace.


The ORCID Synchronization features depend on other features that must be enabled: DSpace User Profile, Configurable Entities at least Person, Publication, Project & OrgUnit.

The synchronization features are classified as experimental at the time of 7.3 and it MUST be enabled manually. Due to the strict validation rules applied on the ORCID side and the absence of friendly edit UI  for the archived items in DSpace (see issues#2876), it is hard at this time to achieve an optimal UX.

  To test ORCID integration, it's possible to use the ORCID Sandbox (without being an ORCID member). However, to do so, you must request a Sandbox Member API Key.

In the ORCID API Credentials request form you will be asked to In the ORCID API Credentials request form you will be asked to enter one or more redirect URLs for you application (DSpace), you will need to enter here the root URL of your REST and Angular interfaces that could eventually be different, otherwise it will be sufficient to put the URL of your angular UI. For example, for the DSpace 7 official demo these are


Once ORCID has reviewed and approved your request, you will get from them the Client ID and Client Secret that need to be set in the local.cfg  among other properties (see below)

Code Block
# the properties below are required only for the sync / linking part (not for authentication or import)
orcid.synchronization-enabled = true
# you need to enable the orcidqueue consumer to keep track of what need to be sync between DSpace and ORCID
event.dispatcher.default.consumers = versioning, discovery, eperson, orcidqueue

Please note that by default DSpace will request permissions to READ and WRITE all the information from the ORCID profile as this will enable support for all the features. You can eventually fine-tuning that overriding the following properties, please note that if you are going to configure Public API Credential you MUST update this configuration keeping only the /authenticate  scope as all the other scopes require member API

Code Block
# The scopes to be granted by the user during the login on ORCID (see
orcid.scope = /authenticate
orcid.scope = /read-limited
orcid.scope = /activities/update
orcid.scope = /person/update


above configuration examples)

Please note that by default DSpace will request permissions to READ and WRITE all the information from the ORCID profile as this will enable support for all the features. You can eventually fine-tuning that overriding the following properties, please note that if you are going to configure Public API Credential you MUST update this configuration keeping only the /authenticate  scope as all the other scopes require member API

Code Block
# The scopes to be granted by the user during the login on ORCID (see
orcid.scope = /authenticate
orcid.scope = /read-limited
orcid.scope = /activities/update
orcid.scope = /person/update

To enable the ORCID Authentication you need to uncomment the following line in the modules/authentication.cfg  file or adding it to your local.cfg 

Code Block = org.dspace.authenticate.OrcidAuthentication

Please note that you are NOT required to enable the ORCID Authentication to use the other ORCID features, including the synchronisation ones. It is also possible to use just the ORCID Authentication without enabling all the other features.

When an user logged-in via ORCID the system will attempt to reuse an existing account looking up by email, if none is found a new account is created in DSpace. It is even possible to disable the creation of new accounts settings the following property

Code Block
authentication-orcid.can-self-register = false

To enable ORCID Synchronization, you need to uncomment the following or add it to your

Code Block
# the properties below are required only for the sync / linking part (not for authentication or import)
orcid.synchronization-enabled = true
# you need to enable the orcidqueue consumer to keep track of what need to be sync between DSpace and ORCID
event.dispatcher.default.consumers = versioning, discovery, eperson, orcidqueue

The push of DSpace data (Person, Publication, Project) to ORCID is based on mappings defined in the config/modules/orcid.cfg  file, more details below in the dedicated paragraphs.


To enable the ORCID Authentication you need to uncomment the following line in the modules/authentication.cfg  file or adding it to your local.cfg 

Code Block = org.dspace.authenticate.OrcidAuthentication

Please note that you are NOT required to enable the ORCID Authentication to use the other ORCID features, including the synchronisation ones. It is also possible to use just the ORCID Authentication without enabling all the other features.

When an user logged-in via ORCID the system will attempt to reuse an existing account looking up by email, if none is found a new account is created in DSpace. It is even possible to disable the creation of new accounts settings the following property

The ORCID Synchronization features depend on other features that must be enabled: DSpace User Profile, Configurable Entities at least Person, Publication, Project & OrgUnit.

The synchronization features are classified as experimental at the time of 7.3 and it MUST be enabled manually. Due to the strict validation rules applied on the ORCID side and the absence of friendly edit UI  for the archived items in DSpace (see issues#2876), it is hard at this time to achieve an optimal UX.

Code Block
authentication-orcid.can-self-register = false

Configure the push of information from DSpace to ORCID
