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Since DSpace 7.3 a bidirectional ORCID integration is available for DSpace


Please note that the ORCID integration feature is classified as experimental at the time of 7.3 and it MUST be enabled manually. Due to the strict validation rules applied on the ORCID side and the absence of friendly edit UI  for the archived items in DSpace (see issues#2876), it is hard at this time to achieve an optimal UX.

The ORCID integration has been originally developed by 4Science in DSpace-CRIS, it is the result of years of collaboration with several institutions and the ORCID team that has helped to correct, improve and broaden the scope of the integration. We want to thank the University of Hong Kong that was the first institution to fund development activities on this regards back in 2015 and the TUHH Hamburg University of Technology that have funded the initial porting of the ORCID integration to the new Angular/REST architecture introduced in DSpace 7. Last but not least, funds have been received by the DSpace community to port this feature from DSpace-CRIS to DSpace.


To enable the main integration (i.e. connect local profile with ORCID and push data to the ORCID registry) you need to be an ORCID Member, get a Member API Key and proper enable and configure the feature in DSpace.


The ORCID Synchronization features depend on other features that must be enabled: DSpace Profile, Configurable Entities at least Person, Publication

& Project

, Project & OrgUnit.

The synchronization features are classified as experimental at the time of 7.3 and it MUST be enabled manually. Due to the strict validation rules applied on the ORCID side and the absence of friendly edit UI  for the archived items in DSpace (see issues#2876), it is hard at this time to achieve an optimal UX.

In the ORCID API Credentials request form you will be asked to enter one or more redirect URLs for you application (DSpace), you will need to enter here the root URL of your REST and Angular interfaces that could eventually be different, otherwise it will be sufficient to put the URL of your angular UI. For the DSpace 7 official demo these are
