Versions Compared


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  • This scenario performs the DSpace Items reading of the DSpace 6 and 7 demonstration sites.
  • In order to achieve a complete extraction in a respectable time, the data harvesting parameters are pre-programmed to import 5 Items per demonstration site for a total of 10 Items.

General Esquema

The migration process consists of 3 main phases as shown in the image :

  1. Extraction : Harvest the Dspace repository to extract  resources metadata 

  2. Transformation : The extracted data is mapped to a vocabulary compatible with the VIVO ontological model

  3. Insertion: Insert the data as triples in the VIVO repository through its sparql API 


Each of the phases is described below with the programs that are required to be executed to complete these tasks.

Extraction Phase

This phase begins the data migration process from Dspace to the VIVO platform. Make sure you have an instance of Dspace and VIVO running. To successfully complete this phase follow these steps :


Download the .jar file from the following link http:link_demo


Harvester configuration

Once the migration environment has been configured as indicated in the previous steps, the migration process is executed.To execute this process, we proceed to configure the program with information from the harvest source (dspace).

This configuration is done in the harvest config file.

Code Block
titleRun this command from $GIT_REPO for starting migration

In the file you will find an example of the fields that the configuration file should contain.At the moment two ways of harvesting the data are supported:

  • OAI : It uses the OAI-PMH protocol supported by the Dspace repositories for information harvesting.Make sure you have an OAI-PMH endpoint enabled in the Dspace repository.
  • Restv7 : It uses the Dspace APIs to query data.At the moment it is only compatible with versions of Dspace 7.

typeType of API used for data extraction. Enable for now ( OAI, RESTv7 )OAI
endpoint API url direction.  If the OAI type was selected, place the route of the OAI endpoint. On the other hand, if RESTv7 was selected, the rest API address.
uriPrefixThe prefix of the link to the repository.  Used to generate valid links to the source repository.
username User of the dspace platform with permissions to use the rest API.   (RESTv7 Only).admin
password: Password of the user (RESTv7 Only).admin

  1. Execute the java program with the config file path.

    Code Block
    titleRun java executable to harvest dspace items
    java jar vivo "/path_to_config_file/config_file.config"

  2. Wait to finish the program. Check outfiles created.
