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Wednesday,  May


25 at 11:00 EDT

LG members:

Ann Beynon,  (star) Doug Hahn,   Bruce Herbert ,   hannah sommers , Julia Trimmer ,Anna Guillaumet

 Christian Hauschke, Terrie R. Wheeler ,  Damaris Murry    , Robert Cartolano 


Laurie Gemmill Arp, Michele Mennielli, Dragan Ivanovic 

Tom Cramer, Robert Cartolano,  Federico Ferrario, Nora Dimmock, Bruce Herbert

(star) = Secretary

Connection Information

Zoom connection information is available in the Outlook invitation.


Announcements (0 mins)

  • Bruce sends his regrets as he is sitting on a beach in the Caribbean.
  • VIVO Presentations at CRIS 2022 and Open Repositories
  • Invitation to LG to meet with people from Brazil


  1. Motion 3: Proposal from Berlin alliance to organize VIVO 2023 or 24 conference in Germany. I think that it’s good because besides BUA, we have also a great VIVO community lead by Christian. Everybody gives their opinion and vote.
  2. Motion 4: Donations to VIVO (can talk about that?) who should move: membership IG? And MKT&Comm do the announcements? Make a proposal from Officers and present to vote.
  3. Report on VIVO Presentations at CRIS 2022. (Anna, 10 mins)
  4. Discussion of group Licenses for the VIVO products (Dragan, Christian, 5-10 mins). We should ask Dragan or Christian.  At the moment copyright owner is the Cornell University, we should discuss whether it is possible to change that, i.e. to define that the VIVO group is copyright owner. We will report on actions in this direction.
  5. Report on Planning for the VIVO Conference (Ralph?, X Mins) is Ralph invited?

Meeting Minutes

Announcements (0 mins)

  • Bruce sends his regrets as he is sitting on a beach in the Caribbean.
  • VIVO Presentations at CRIS 2022 and Open Repositories
  • Invitation to LG to meet with people from Brazil
