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Comment: Add key and which tasks are in development


titleRoadMap for 7.3 (due to be released on in June TBD, 2022)

The 7.3 release will continue to concentrate on features listed below in "Tier 1: Highest Priority" and "Tier 2: Medium-High Priority". The latest status of each feature may be found by clicking on its ticket, or browsing our 7.3 Development Board.

Volunteer development may impact the order in which features are completed. To encourage volunteers to contribute code to DSpace 7.3, volunteer developers are welcome to contribute any feature (listed in any tier below or prior approved) to the 7.3 release. These donated features will be included in the 7.3 release, provided they are contributed before the 7.3 Pull Request deadline (around one month prior to release) and pass code reviews.  Please get in touch with Tim Donohue or add a comment to an existing issue ticket if you wish to volunteer to implement one of the features listed below.

Tier 1: Highest Priority Tasks for 7.x

titleLegend / Key

(tick) = Task has been completed. It is available in the specified release of DSpace 7.x

(info) = Task is scheduled to be worked on and is likely (but not guaranteed) to be included in the next DSpace 7.x release.

(warning) = Task is delayed at this time. It is waiting on reanalysis / reprioritization.

Any tasks without a status icon are not currently scheduled for development, and are unlikely to be in the next DSpace 7.x release (unless a volunteer steps forward to contribute it).

Tier 1: Highest Priority Tasks for 7.x

Note: While these are the features that will be tackled first (Note: While these are the features that will be tackled first (via funded development), they are not guaranteed for a specific release of 7.x. For example, they may be added over several releases (a few in 7.1, a few in 7.2, etc.)  The number added per release depends heavily on available development resources. If you want to chip in to help things go more quickly, please get in touch with Tim Donohue 

See tasks on our Tier 1 Board

  1. (info) (In development) (Admin) Ability to preview Batch Metadata changes during import of CSV, similar to 6.x.  In 7.x, it is possible to import a CSV from the Admin Toolbar, but you are not shown a preview of pending changes. (UI ticket #782 , REST ticket #2849)
  2. (tick) (Available in 7.1) (General) Request a Copy, similar to how it worked in 6.x (UI ticket #779, REST ticket/PR #2129)
  3. (warning) (Delayed, as this feature is highly complex & may require significant effort or external funding.) (NEW) External lookup of metadata using a search or identifier (e.g. DOI) to enrich an in-progress submission.  In 7.x, external searches/lookups can only be done from the MyDSpace page to start a new submission. (REST ticket #2834)
  4. (tick) (Available in 7.2) (Submission) Embargo entire Item (including metadata) via an "Access" section, similar to 6.x. In 7.0-7.1, only individual Bitstreams/Files can be embargoed during a submission. (UI ticket #767, REST ticket #2839)
  5. (tick) (Available in 7.1) (Admin) Collection harvested from an OAI-PMH endpoint (like in 6.x XMLUI), and kick off a new harvest from the UI. (UI ticket #761)
  6. (tick) (Available in 7.1) (Submission) Create a new Item version, similar to 6.x (as either an administrator or a submitter). In 7.0, viewing Item Versions is supported, but new versions cannot be created. (UI tickets #776 and #780, REST tickets #2844 and #2847) and #2847)
  7. (info) (In development) (Workflow) Preview an item during workflow approval (via a button/popup), to allow for easier accepting/rejecting, similar to 6.x (UI ticket #772)
  8. (tick) (Available in 7.2) (General) Feedback form, similar to 6.x (UI ticket #763, REST ticket #2836 )
  9. (info) (In development) (Admin) Ability to export metadata (to CSV) from search results, similar to 6.x. In 7.x, it's possible to export metadata to CSV from a Community/Collection/Item, but not from a set of search results. (REST Ticket #3129 )

Tier 2: Medium-High Priority

See tasks on our Tier 2 Boardtasks on our Tier 2 Board

  1. (info) (In development) (NEW) Advanced ORCID integration port from DSpace-CRIS to DSpace (Ticket #8157)
  2. (info) (In development) (NEW) Migrate additional "Live-Import" external metadata sources from DSpace-CRIS to DSpace: (Ticket #3359)
  3. (info) (In development) (General) Support for hierarchical controlled vocabularies in Search interfaces, similar to 6.x. In 7.x, hierarchical controlled vocabularies are supported in the Submission form but not in Search. (UI ticket #815, REST ticket #2870)
  4. (info) (In development - to be donated) (General) List of Recently Added Items (Recent Submissions) on homepage, similar to 6.x.  In 7.x, this is only available on Collection homepages. (UI ticket #667)
  5. (info) (In development) (Submission) SHERPA/RoMEO integration, similar to 6.x (UI ticket #769, REST ticket #2840)
  6. (NEW) Export all personal data for your user account (compliance for privacy) (UI ticket #814, REST ticket #2888)
  7. (warning) (Delayed, as this feature is highly complex & may require significant effort or external funding.) (NEW) Extracting metadata from a bibliographic file (e.g. BibTex, PDF) to enrich an in-progress submission.  In 7.x, metadata extraction only will occur when uploading a file from the MyDSpace page to start a new submission. (REST ticket #2833)
  8. (Submission) Supervision Orders (similar to 6.x JSPUI) (UI ticket #808, REST ticket #2878)
  9. (tick) Available in 7.2 (General) Support "Browse By" configurations for custom browse options. In 7.0-7.1, "Browse By" options shown in the UI are hardcoded when they should be read from configuration. (UI ticket #852)
  10. (info) (In development) (Admin) Administrative Control Panel (similar to 6.x XMLUI) (UI ticket #801, REST ticket #2877) (May move to "Tier 3"?)
  11. (info) (In development - to be donated) (Submission) Support for type-based submission forms (<type-bind> configuration), similar to 6.x. (UI ticket #806, REST ticket #2873) (May move to "Tier 3"?) 
  12. (tick) Available in 7.2 (Submission) Make an item "private" during submission, similar to 6.x (UI ticket #768)
  13. (info) (In development) (NEW)  Signposting support, aligning with recommendations from the COAR Next Generation Repositories Report (UI ticket #811, REST ticket #2881) (May move to "Tier 3"?) 
  14. (Integrations) OpenSearch API support, similar to 6.x (UI Ticket #791, REST ticket #2869) (May move to "Tier 3"?)
  15. (info) (In development) (NEW) Versioning support for Configurable Entities (UI ticket #1312, REST ticket #7937)
  16. (Authentication) Ability to disable self-registration, similar to 6.x (REST ticket #3272)


  1. (tick) Available in 7.1 (NEW) Simple Archive Format (SAF) Import should support Entity/relationship creation (REST ticket #2883)
  2. (Admin) Bulk access control management (previously called "Advanced Policy Manager" in 6.x) - The ability to modify policies on several items at once. (UI ticket #781, REST ticket #2848)
  3. (General) Additional contextual help (e.g. hover-overs which provide hints/tips on using the user interface), similar to 6.x JSPUI (UI ticket #762)
  4. (Workflow) Ability to batch claim workflow tasks. In 7.0, you can only claim one task at a time. (UI ticket #771)
  5. (Submission) Support for kicking off a Curation Task during Submission process, similar to 6.x (REST ticket #2868)
  6. (Workflow) Migrate additional configurable workflow steps from 6.x, specifically "Select Single Reviewer Workflow", "Score Review Workflow", etc. (REST tickets #2874, #2875
  7. (info) (In development - to be donated) (NEW) OpenAIRE integration with the notification broker and the claim service (UI PR #1007, REST PR #3143)
  8. (NEW) SWORD should support Entity/relationship creation (REST ticket #2884)
