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The DSpace Submission process consists of a series of "steps", where each "step" corresponds to one or "sections" in the Submission UI. By default, the DSpace Submission process includes the following steps/sections, in this order:

  1. "Select Collection" (id="collection"), appears as dropdown: If not already selected, the user must select a collection to deposit the Item into.  As of DSpace 7, you also can change the Collection you are submitting into at any time. However, be aware that there may be some metadata lost if the Collection you switch two uses a different submission form & you already began entering metadata in the current submission.
  2. "Describe" sections (id="traditionalpageone" and "traditionalpagetwo"):  This is where the user may enter descriptive metadata about the Item. This step may consist of one or more sections of metadata entry. By default, there are two sections of metadata-entry . For information on modifying the metadata entry pages, please see Custom Metadata-entry Pages for Submission section below.
  3. "Upload" section (id="upload"): This is where the user may upload one or more files to associate with the Item. As of DSpace 7, you can also drag and drop files anywhere on the page to trigger an upload. For more information on file upload, also see Configuring the File Upload step below.
  4. "License" section (id="license"): This is where the user must agree to the repository distribution license in order to complete the deposit.  This repository distribution license is defined in the [dspace]/config/default.license file. It can also be customized per-collection from the Collection Edit UI.
  5. "Deposit" button: Once all required fields/sections are completed, the "Deposit" button becomes enabled.  After clicking it, the new Item will either become immediately available or undergo a workflow approval process (depending on the Collection policies).  For more information on the workflow approval process see Configurable Workflow


DSpace also ships with several optional steps which you may choose to enable if you wish.  In no particular order:

  • "Item Access" step(or Embargo) section (id="itemAccessConditions"): Only available in 7.2 or above.This step allows the user to (optionally) modify access rights or set an embargo during the deposit of an Item. For more information on this step, and Embargo options in general, please see the Embargo documentation.
  • "CC License" step section (id="cclicense"): This step allows the user to (optionally) assign a Creative Commons license to a particular Item. Please see the Configuring Creative Commons License section of the Configuration documentation for more details.
  • "Extraction" step section (id="extractionstep"): This step will automatically attempt to extract metadata from uploaded files and populate it in the submission form. By default it is disabled, as it populates metadata automatically (without notifying the user). 
  • Various Configurable Entities related steps: These steps are "Describe" steps that are specific to different Entity types. They provide a list of metadata fields of specific interest to those Entities. 
