Versions Compared


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    new spec, new github repo for spec maintenance, proposed tweaks for impersistence and developer assistance



Calls for papers, submission deadlines, upcoming meetings: Calendar of events

Any news items we should blog about?

jk: some suggestion in Outreach we should blog about new spec versions, but some of our new spec versions are often only of minor interest; the total departure (in sum) from version 18 will be of interest when we're done

New ARK spec (v30)

Diffs from v29->v30

jk: minor changes in this version, mostly to test new github actions in its new home (first git version)
dv: what should we focus on overall in the spec?
jk: are we ok leaving the metadata defined (for this spec) by example?
jk: current repo is probably going to have to be redone to get it correct

This new (v30) spec is the first draft with raw XML stored in a github repo: jkunze/arkspec

  • built from template designed for managing Internet Drafts (TY Mark for forwarding)
  • it's a first attempt, probably will need to redo it got messy making it work for draft in XML (not markdown)
  • volunteer to help make sure it's right technically
  • please test the sociology: can you do a pull request to fix typos? do we need more committers? what's missing?

dv: PRs is right; two ways to do it: either fork or add additional participants to the repo; there's usually a social contract, eg, that one designated person approves
jk: how to set up privileges? do we need additional committers?
jk: is forking cumbersome?
kh: on software my projects, even main committers will create a fork and request a review of their changes
kh: might be good to have an "ARKA" github account, and establish review requesting as part of the PR protocol that we agree to; that way anyone outside ARKA could contribute
all: agreed
ACTION: set up ARKA account and repo
dv: some people get confused until head gets wrapped
ACTION: kh and jk will meet to walk through some PR scenarios

Support (non-normative) for building ARK services using N2T's convention – should the ARK spec describe this as one known tool for resolver implementors?

  • Prefix extension. N2T supports a "prefix extension" feature that permits developers to extend a scheme or an ARK NAAN (both of which "prefix" an identifier) with -dev in order to forward to an alternate destination. For example, if the NAAN 12345 forwards to domain, then ark:/12345-dev/678 forwards to It works similarly for schemes, for example, if scheme xyzzy forwards to$id, then xyzzy-dev:foo forwards to

dv: prefix extension could go into an implementors guidelines doc
kh: agreed
dv: "ark or identifier resolver implementor guidelines"

Are there best practices in how to do short term ARKs? All the ARK services, features, metadata, inflections can be used for ARKs that expire (persistent within a defined ending term, eg, link expires after first access, object access expires in 12 months per agreement with rights holder). How best to avoid confusion if ARKs can be used for both persistent and persistent-but-expiring identifiers?

One approach is a NAAN-based convention, similar to how four particular NAANs (eg, 99999 and 12345) instantly (in the string itself, not requiring lookup) reveal something important to the recipient.

Strawdog "Zero NAAN" proposal: every org that receives a NAAN, say 98765, also implicitly receives a second NAAN with a '0' (zero) prepended. We can promise that no org will ever be assigned a NAAN beginning with zero, so if you see a NAAN starting with a zero, published in an ARK, say "ark:098765/t7gh, you can assume that it is expiring and not suitable for long-term reference. Implementors would be encouraged to publish with a leading zero if and only if they know they are publishing an expiring ARK.

dv: maybe instead of ark:0 use "tark:"

cm: don't see any reason to say that there's an expiration date up front when it can be in the metadata

New comments (from TC) on the ARKs in URLs document

Please review for next time

dv: I responded to comments in the doc

Action items
