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Comment: Add note about SSR


  1. Keep your DSpace up to date. We are constantly adding new indexing improvements in new releases
  2. Ensure your DSpace is visible to search engines.
  3. Ensure the user interface is using server-side rendering (enabled by default)
  4. Ensure the sitemaps feature is enabled. (enabled by default)
  5. Ensure server-side rendering is enabled in the UI.  (enabled by default)
  6. Ensure your robots.txt allows access to item "splash" pages and full text.
  7. Ensure item metadata appears in HTML headers correctly.
  8. Avoid redirecting file downloads to Item landing pages
  9. Turn OFF any generation of PDF cover pages
  10. As an aside, it's worth noting that OAI-PMH is generally not useful to search engines.  OAI-PMH has its own uses, but do not expect search engines to use it.


  • As of DSpace 7.0, Sitemaps are enabled by default (see next sectionbelow)
  • As of DSpace 5.0, the DSpace robots.txt file now includes references to Sitemaps by default (see DS-1936), and also blocks known bad bots (see DS-2335).
  • As of DSpace 4.0, DSpace has provided several enhancements, which were requested by the Google Scholar team. These included providing users (and web indexers) a way to browse content by the date it was added to DSpace (see DS-1482), ensuring the "" field is set more accurately (see DS-1481), and enhancing the logic behind the "citation_pdf_url" HTML <meta> tag (see DS-1483)
  • As of DSpace 1.7, DSpace has improved how its Item-level metadata is made available to Google Scholar. For the 1.7.0 release, the DSpace Developers worked directly with the Google Scholar developers, to ensure DSpace is generating the "citation_*" HTML "<meta>" tags (i.e. Highwire Press tags) that Google Scholar recommends in their Indexing Guidelines.
  • As of DSpace 1.5, DSpace has support for sitemaps (both simple HTML pages of links, as well as the protocol). It also includes item metadata in the HTML HEAD element of item display pages, ensuring that the metadata can be effectively indexed no matter what changes you might have made to your DSpace's layout or style.
  • As of DSpace 1.4, DSpace has support for the "if-modified-since" HTTP header. This basically means that if an item (or bitstream therein) has not changed since the last time a search engine's crawler indexed it, that item/bitstream does not have to be re-retrieved, sparing your server.


Ensure the user interface is using server-side rendering

Because the DSpace user interface is based on (which is a javascript framework), you MUST have server-side rendering enabled (which is the default) for search engines to fully index your side. 

DSpace use Angular Universal for server-side rendering, and it's enabled by default in Production mode via this configuration in environment.common.ts:

Code Block
// Angular Universal Settings
universal: {
  preboot: true,

Per the frontend Installation instructions, you must also be running your production frontend/UI via either yarn run serve:ssr or yarn start.

Ensure the sitemaps feature is enabled
