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  • DSpace RoadMap planning – led by Tim Donohue
  • SWORD Project's next steps?? – led by Stuart Lewis? or perhaps Richard Jones?
  • DSpace 2.0 Integration Projects – led by Mark Diggory (subprojects to be presented by other devs where appropriate)
    • Overview of DSpace Addon Module Design and Spring
    • Discussion of Storage Services and Storage Providers as an addition to 1.7
    • Discussion on Solr Integration and Unified Search/Browse as an addition to 1.7
  • GSoC updates/discussion – led by Mark Diggory
  • Dspace source distributions - what should/shouln't be included.
  • Feature planning for DSpace 1.7 – Peter Dietz
  • Interacting more with DSpace Community Outreach Group via a new Community Advisory Team – Val Hollister

Very High Level Agenda


General Agenda


Although there are specific times listed, we can rearrange sessions a bit as necessary. The times are more to help make sure we get around to discussing all topics.

12-1pm : Intros, Overview & Brief Updates

  • Intros & Overview
  • Past reflection on 1.6.x releases:
    • What have we learned?
    • What went well, what could we improve?
  • GSoC project updates (Mark Diggory)
  • Other updates?


  • Lunch is provided

2-3:15pm : Discussion of Current/Ongoing Projects

  • 2.0 integration work (Mark Diggory)
    • Overview of DSpace Addon Module Design and Spring
    • Discussion of Storage Services and Storage Providers as an addition to 1.7
    • Discussion on Solr Integration and Unified Search/Browse as an addition to 1.7
  • AipBackupRestorePrototype / DuraCloud integration project (DuraSpace & MIT & IUPUI) (Tim Donohue)

~3:15pm - Break

3:30-4:45pm : Discussion of RoadMap for Future

  • Fedora integration proposal (Tim Donohue)
  • 1.7 planning (what's in it?)
  • Longer-Term Questions:
    • Source / binary distributions (what should/shouldn't be included?)
    • Should all webapps/UIs remain out of the box? (JSPUI, XMLUI, OAI, SWORD, LNI, SOLR)
    • How do we make upgrades/installs/configuration easier?

~4:45pm - Break

5-6pm : Discussion of Integrations / Communications with others



  • Head to bar (with Fedora Committers) for Beer/Sangria/Tapas
