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titleRanking of outstanding features into "Tiers"

In April-May 2021, all DSpace Steering & Leadership members were surveyed on the features not yet implemented in 7.0.  They were asked to rank those features on behalf of their institution(s) they represent.  In June 2021, a subset of those members compiled the results into 5 "tiers", based on the results of that survey.  These "tiers" provide the priority of every outstanding feature, and map to a rough plan for releases 7.1 through 7.5.  Features are also ranked within a "tier" based on their number (with #1 being the highest priority within that tier).

The DSpace 7 Working Group will formalize these rough tiers into a Roadmap for each 7.x release. Keep in mind, some features may be moved around slightly in the final Roadmap (e.g. in some scenarios it may make sense to build related features together).  The goal is to spread this work over several releases (likely at least 5), in order to get higher priority features out as quickly as possible.  The release timeline is TBD, but it may be similar to the "Staged Beta Release" process (see above), where we released 5 Betas in a little over a year.

Tier 1: Highest Priority after 7.0 (coming soon)


  1. (Admin) Ability to preview Batch Metadata changes during import of CSV, similar to 6.x.  In 7.0, it is possible to import a CSV from the Admin Toolbar, but you are not shown a preview of pending changes.
  2. (General) Request a Copy, similar to how it worked in 6.x
  3. (NEW) External lookup of metadata using a search or identifier (e.g. DOI) to enrich an in-progress submission.  In 7.0, external searches/lookups can only be done from the MyDSpace page to start a new submission.
  4. (Submission) Embargo entire Item (including metadata) via an "Access" section, similar to 6.x. In 7.0, only individual Bitstreams/Files can be embargoed during a submission.
  5. (Admin) Collection harvested from an OAI-PMH endpoint (like in 6.x XMLUI), and kick off a new harvest from the UI.
  6. (Submission) Create a new Item Version, similar to 6.x (as either an administrator or a submitter). In 7.0, viewing Item Versions is supported, but new versions cannot be created.
  7. (Workflow) Preview an item during workflow approval (via a button/popup), to allow for easier accepting/rejecting, similar to 6.x
  8. (General) Feedback form, similar to 6.x

Tier 2: Medium-High Priority


  1. (General) Support for hierarchical controlled vocabularies in Search, similar to 6.x. In 7.0, this exists in Submission but not in Search.
  2. (General) List of Recently Added Items (Recent Submissions) on homepage, similar to 6.x.  In 7.0, this is only available on Collection homepages.
  3. (Submission) SHERPA/RoMEO integration, similar to 6.x
  4. (NEW) Export all personal data for your user account (compliance for privacy)
  5. (NEW) Extracting metadata from a bibliographic file (e.g. BibTex, PDF) to enrich an in-progress submission.  In 7.0, metadata extraction only will occur when uploading a file from the MyDSpace page to start a new submission. 
  6. (Submission) Supervision Orders (similar to 6.x JSPUI)
  7. (General) Support "Browse By" configurations for custom browse options. In 7.0, "Browse By" options shown in the UI are hardcoded when they should be read from configuration.  (May move to "Medium priority"?)
  8. (Admin) Administrative Control Panel (similar to 6.x XMLUI) (May move to "Medium priority"?)
  9. (Submission) Support for type-based submission forms (<type-bind> configuration), similar to 6.x. (May move to "Medium priority"?)
  10. (Submission) Make an item "private" during submission, similar to 6.x
  11. (NEW) Signposting support, aligning with recommendations from the COAR Next Generation Repositories Report (May move to "Medium priority"?)
  12. (Integrations) OpenSearch API support, similar to 6.x (May move to "Medium priority"?)

Tier 3: Medium Priority


  1. (Admin) Batch Import from a Zip file in Admin UI, similar to 6.x. In 7.0, it is still possible to batch import from command line, but not yet possible from the Admin UI.
  2. (Admin) Batch Export an Item, a Collection or a Community to Zip file in Admin UI, similar to 6.x. In 7.0, it is still possible to batch export from command line, but not possible from the Admin UI.
  3. (Workflow) Full support for custom configurable workflow steps, similar to 6.x.  In 7.0, some workflow step names are hardcoded, so custom named steps may not be recognized automatically.
  4. (NEW) AIP Backup and Restore should support export/import of Entities & their relationships
  5. (General) RSS / ATOM feeds for Site, Community or Collection, similar to 6.x
  6. (General) Ability to subscribe to email updates for a Collection (Manage Subscriptions), similar to 6.x
  7. (NEW) Ability to edit an Archived Item via a submission-like form (i.e. easier to use Edit Item form)
  8. (NEW) ResourceSync support, aligning with recommendations from the COAR Next Generation Repositories Report
  9. (Statistics) Administrative (potentially log-based) statistical reports, similar to 6.x

Tier 4: Medium-Low Priority


  1. (NEW) Simple Archive Format (SAF) Import should support Entity/relationship creation
  2. (Admin) Bulk access control management (previously called "Advanced Policy Manager" in 6.x) - The ability to modify policies on several items at once.
  3. (General) Additional contextual help (e.g. hover-overs which provide hints/tips on using the user interface), similar to 6.x JSPUI
  4. (Workflow) Ability to batch claim workflow tasks. In 7.0, you can only claim one task at a time.
  5. (Submission) Support for kicking off a Curation Task during Submission process, similar to 6.x
  6. (Workflow) Migrate additional configurable workflow steps from 6.x, specifically "Select Single Reviewer Workflow", "Score Review Workflow", etc. 
  7. (NEW) OpenAIRE integration with the notification broker and the claim service
  8. (NEW) SWORD should support Entity/relationship creation

Tier 5: Low Priority


These features were deemed lowest priority of all on our list.  While most will still be implemented in 7.x, some may also be reviewed for possible removal (or replacement) if the feature is no longer useful.
