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Attendees: Tim, Lynette, Huda, Simeon, Greg, Jason, Steven

Regrets: Greg 

Discovery (WP3)

  • for issues etc. 
  • Draft of a discovery plan:
  • Research: how to go from knowledge graph to an index
    • Research decision points, Use cases 
    • First goal: DASH! dashboard (full page for entity) that extends on the idea of an embedded knowledge panel, aim to have functional prototype for end of year
  • DASH! (Displaying Authorities Seamlessly Here)
    • Dashboard design meeting kickoff notes - will also try to understand what our data will support or connections to other data sources
    • Usability testing for DASH
      • 2021-04-16 - Usability testing is underway, will finish next week. Useful input on what users see/understand and what they struggle with. Users don't know what a repository is, can guess what digital collections means. Users tend to think that the author name link will get more information, don't see/understand info button – could mean adding tool tips and/or making button more obvious or even flip button/link or one link for info+search
      • 2021-04-23 - Five people helped with usability tests. Setting up final results document. High level:
        • Uncertainty of info button vs author link (or lack of understanding if same/separate). Tim has created issue in D&A
        • Good understanding of author page in general, opportunities for some clarification in labeling etc., influences tab well understood
        • On subject page the timeline scroll/zoom fast creating interaction problems, broader/narrower mixed understanding (difficult when subject is an event), "show all subject" checkbox not found easily, timeline/map connection was understood
      • 2021-04-30
        • Writing up usability test results
      • 2021-05-07
      • 2021-05-21
    • User reps D&A meeting: Expect next follow-up in August
      • Slides: from user reps meeting 2021-04-09 and result was "not no"
        • Positive feedback on linking back to catalog results
        • Questions about links and display from wikidata, other sources
        • End was to discuss more in August with possible discussion of how to move into production
        • User reps have slides and wanted demo link
        • Could have lite KP might to start, possible later entity pages – or perhaps both together
      • 2021-04-23 How much more work to do before August? Candidates:
        • Follow up on results from usability tests
        • Work on how smoothly the prototype works
        • Think about more consistent look between pages - Tim thinking of making some mockups of redesign
      • 2021-04-30
        • Working on a list of tasks for the final refinements stage. Includes aligning look & feel of the entity pages, Tim is looking into this. Current subject pages optimized for things with date ranges, what do we do for subjects without date ranges (e.g. microbiology)?
    • Video for DASH!, theme?
      • Sonic? Roadrunner?
  • BANG! (Bibliographic Aspects Newly GUI'd)
    • Expect to include Works. Need to do something beyond what we already have live from the OCLC concordance data.
    • Full OCLC concordance us 343M rows, and gzipped the file is 3.3GB
    • SVDE Works


  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration – Support and evolve QA+cache instance for use with Sinopia
    • 2021-0405-3021
      • Vivian from Stan
      • Discussed the potential to include non-RDF authorities.  Not difficult on the QA side, but Sinopia team is concerned about the difficulty in supporting on their side.  The earliest they could work on it is Fall 2021 and even then it would have to be prioritized.
        • The non-RDF authorities that people want are ISO language and script (e.g. ISO 639-3, ISO 15924). There is a data property in BF that LC use with literal values (not URIs). Sinopia doesn't have a facility for lookups from a set of literal values, QA could support this but Sinopia wants RDF from QA only.
        • For rare materials there will be a similar issue with RBMS vocabs that aren't RDF
      • Discussed general priorities for Sinopia.  Used the priorities spreadsheet (under working group section) as the starting point.  Then looked at issues already in Sinopia which represent their expected priorities. 
        • Key takeaways:
          • Sinopia fully supports 4/7 of Priority 1 user stories, partially supports 1, the remaining 2 are performance/timeout related which are at the cache/QA level and both are improved by the latest indexing approach. 
          • Sinopia fully supports 2/7 of the Priority 2. 
          • There are 4 others that are either fully or partially supported. 
          • There are 14 not supported.  
        • Potential work we've discussed in the past:
          • Support for left anchor search, exact value search, and allowing user to select the approach (including existing keyword search). 
            • Jason notes that Laura Daniels has done lots of work around inventory search in FOLIO. Can do both left anchor and keyword based on special syntax.
            • In D&A one can do search on subject or subject a-z
          • Improved functioning for broader/narrower where the user can select a broarder/narrower term or use one of them as a new search.
          • Advanced search with passing in specific fieldname:value to find results and filtering of results by field value or date range.
          • ACTION - Ask Sinopia team for explicit feedback on priorities – 2021-05-07 still to do
      • Dave's new indexing is there, accuracy and performance is improved though we aren't sure about timeouts
  • Search API Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group
    • 2021-04-30
      • I put together a spreadsheet that looked at which priorities from the first charter are in Sinopia now.
    • 2021-05-07
      • First meeting May 10, same time slot as old group. Will look at use cases first (keeping cache in sync, keeping cached labels in sync in application, URIs cached in application)
  • Cache Containerization Plan - Develop a sustainable solution that others can deploy
    • 2021-04-30
      • Have worked on permissions issues and documented how to implement in AWS
      • Greg now running out of things to do without more input from Dave. Can document existing work and develop presentation for conference
      • Consider moving live QA instance from EBS to container version? Need to consider update mechanisms CI/CD. Agree that this is a good direction and Greg/Lynette will discuss
    • 2021-05-07
      • Greg spent some time learning about github actions for CI/CD. Has some permissions issue with github repo. Expect to continue working on this today and hope to be able to redeploy container when content changes
