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Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 10:00 eastern


Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 10:00 eastern

LYRASIS Digest: We should announce the internationalization version of VIVO. User group meetings. Announce two new members. New member meeting. Conference. Julia will start a Google Doc. VIVO news needs to be complete by Friday. Jenn will send a draft by Monday.

VIVO conference tweets: Julia will continue to do this, but please remind me and/or send content ideas.

Sam expects for the IT team to do the next two sections on the home page and will let us know when it's done. LYRASIS website redesign has not been made a priority project and he expects it to be done by the end of the year. Question: can we get the layered file with the actual artifacts? Julia will ask Estefania to do that.

For polling, a LYRASIS staffer highly recommended polleverywhere

Blog post re: OCLC report:

Kenna Guilliani manages all of the conferences that LYRASIS has a presence at. Jenn says they can create Zoom backgrounds and stickers to promote VIVO. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 10:00 eastern

  • Possible updates to the website
  • Market assessment at the VIVO conference (poll)
  • Increasing tweets about the conference

Updates: Sam says, " have put in a request with IT for the next two sections on the home page. I’ll email the group when they have been made and update everyone when the next sections are complete"

Julia will tweet about the second keynote speaker.

VIAB: Bruce is working on the proposal and will be talking about with the LG about how to proceed. Re: doing the conference session/community town hall, do a presentation on VIAB and see if we can get feedback. We can share the short proposal. Bruce will put it in the TAMU respository.  Can be part of user groups, as many efforts as possible. Town hall would be separate. Bruce wants to get the data ingest group and the LG to approve.

Jenn likes Slido for polling: 

Bruce talked with folks from DSpace, ORCiD, and Fedora about making these tools more interoperable with VIVO. If we could make this initiative happen, we could present at another town hall. Mic: this is key, and it's already happening in many institutions. Start with DSpace, move to DSpace - CRIS, then add VIVO. Interoperability would be preferable to integration. VIAB is a big part of this as well. Could add OJS, and other open tools.

Bruce shared a story about an English professor at TAMU who published an edited collection in the TAMU DSpace repository and then shared it globally. We can talk to Heidi Campbell. Bruce will send me a writeup and I will call her. 

Bruce will connect Jenn to the TAMU project manager about the Texas system VIVO plans.

Spanish-speaking user group will be held in mid-May. Mic will give us an update.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 10:00 eastern

  • Possible updates to the website
  • Market assessment at the VIVO conference (poll)
  • VIVO Spanish speaking user group
  • VIVO conference

VIVO site. Sam has announced that he and another Lyrasis colleague have started to modify the VIVO site according to the mock-up (we can see yet some changes). They will be doing more updates for about two weeks, we will be able to see the result in the next meeting.

VIVO Spanish speaking user group. Bruce has asked about the planned date for the Spanish speaking user group webinar, Mic is proposing the first or second week of May, but will be validated with the group first. We have seen the draft agenda, which proposes a presentation on VIVO made by a world-class university (from LG), it is suggested that it could be Duke or Bruce himself, where they talk not so much about the product but about the experience with VIVO. Anna has suggested using some of the material from the recording of the VIVO experience with Julia (Duke). It should be translated into Spanish in some way.

VIVO conference poll. We talked about the possibility to do an online poll in the next VIVO conference, the idea is to engage more VIVO community attendants and on the other hand, have more information about the implementations, expectations, etc. Jenn will propose some tools to do this kind of polls, (some tools where commented: zoom poll, slido, etc...). For the next meeting the idea is to have before the proposal of some initial ideas about questions (Anna or whoever wants could send a first proposal to discuss) and from some tools (Jenn will send), and try to test something. This could be a first step of a bigger market assessment. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 10:00 eastern

  • News: we have two new members, and the TAMU system is planning to do a VIVO for all 11 institutions. The Chancellor is really interested in VIVO and wants to spread the word to the public. Jenn will follow up with Meg about a press release, and work with Bruce on it.
  • Julia will do a couple of tweets about the flyer and another about the recent blog post. 
  • Bruce has a focus group to help working on the survey, he'll ask for volunteers from the Texas Digital Library to help design the survey. 
  • Organizers of the Spanish-speaking user group met with five users, and they want to hold a user group meeting before the conference. They are meeting again next week, and Mic will ask one or two to help with the survey.
  • Anna suggested a conference session regarding the market assessment Jenn has a LYR contact about live Zoom polling and give us best practices. Julia will follow up with Anna and the conference proposal. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 10:00 eastern

  • Flyer ready to go?
  • Survey from 2018 about VIVO governance
  • VIVO conference progress
  • New LYRASIS website: scroll down to the page translator!
  • VIAB updates/assessment goals


Jenn will let Sam know to add the flyer to the website.

Creating a survey:

2018 survey:  Mic thinks the first set of questions are still applicable and probably good to ask again. Important to collaborate with folks who can send it out to the right organizations. You can get a better response rate. We should have results of a brief survey before the conference. 

What are we trying to learn from the survey? Mic: the right questions clarify where you want to go. Can VIAB resonate with people? What about VIVO addresses your needs – what's unique? Is VIVO a component of your RIM? 10 questions, no more. 

Bruce: Want to learn for VIAB: • Interest in specific use cases (4 - 5, ranked) • Important constraints on implementation • Maybe: which office would implement at their organization • Required/requested services – what would they value from the VIVO community? One-day training, user groups, conference, camps?

Anna: give them choices rather than keeping the answers open.

Mic: make the survey about VIVO features, not VIAB since it's announced yet. 

Bruce: we need more people to articulate what we need.

Mic: this survey is not a market assessment. It's not for people who don't know VIVO. This is for VIVO users, asking about features, use cases. Thinking about what VIVO should be 5 years from now. Incorporate into a market assessment. 

Bruce: ORCiD member survey might be a good place to start. Bruce will adapt it and send to us for feedback.

Mic: A group is meeting to discuss the Spanish-speaking User Group. We should add to the email to the NAUG to ask if anyone can help with the survey.

Next steps: Bruce will send the draft survey. Send the email to the NAUG. Think of other consortia to send it to.

Here is a nice list of international library consortia:

VIVO conference:

Save the Date announced. Mic is working on the prospectus. 

We talked about presentations. Three keynotes did videos and released them before the event. The video was not played during the event. The speakers got to do a follow-up and breakouts with the attendees. Maybe do a lightning video? Erin recorded a zoom meeting, edit it, with an intro slide/logo and end slide. Ask Sam what video editing software he uses. 

Example: "Take less than 5-minutes to watch Yolanda Cooper, Dean and University Librarian for Emory University speak about how the current crisis is demonstrating libraries are not bound by bricks and mortar, are contributing a broader set of skill sets to the academic enterprise, and how a crisis can act as a shortcut to change."

Widget Connector

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 10:00 eastern


  • VIVO Website
    • Last summer, we assessed the requested changes and divided them into Quick Corrections and Longer-Term Changes. The Quick Corrections are done. 
    • Could we make some of the Longer-Term Changes? Sam says the home page is hard-coded and will require development efforts. It's a custom WordPress template designed by a contractor. Sam can make edits but can't make substantial changes. 
    • Let's ask Meg to join the next meeting on March 3.
  • Google map: will be changed today.
  • Julia needs to review Estefania's flyer draft and send out proposed changes before the next meeting. We hope to finalize before the next meeting and post on the website.
  • Conference: June 25th. We need to update the conference prospectus, so Mic will let us know about that. 
  • Marketing assessment: Mic recommends that we use it as an opportunity to engage with the community, or a marketing tool. There might be some interesting ideas in the community. So it's not about output but giving them an opportunity to be part of something. 
  • Julia will send out a link to the previous survey to the group.
  • Jenn will send more Twitters followers. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 10:00 eastern


Ongoing topics

  • Google map update: Julia will contact Sam
  • Video update from the Membership group: Still on hold
  • Flyer: Estefania has done a first draft
  • Twitter account: 
  • VIVO Website
  • VIVO2021 conference announcement

Main topic: Marketing assessment for VIVO in a Box (VIAB)

Background materials

Objectives for the marketing assessment

  • To analyze the opportunities for VIAB (how many universities are out there, what basic RIM functions do they need, how much can they afford?)
  • To keep the assessment as simple as possible
  • To build on existing data and knowledge

How can we accomplish these objectives? Do we need more specs about VIAB first?


Ann says we need some expertise – anyone at LYRASIS?

Mic thinks this should be a collaboration with the LG. It's not an easy task. Does someone in the community have the expertise?

Are the objectives correct? Questions are broad. 

Promote the EFS conference.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 10:00 eastern


Ongoing topics

  • Google map update
  • Video update from the Membership group
  • Flyer
  • Twitter account
  • VIVO Website
  • VIVO2021 conference announcement


Google map update: done – ready for Sam to post on the website. Sam will check with Julia before posting. 

Anna asked if we could incorporate more design changes at the same time the map is added.

LYR IT has identified four new website platforms, so they are deciding on that. Still 3 - 6 months out. Meg will check in about our design ideas in about 3 months. 

Flyer: Estefania can help with this. For content, maybe check the LYRASIS Now blog post:

Twitter account: tweets are hit and miss. Look in profile to see who's following VIVO. LYRASIS follows a lot of individuals as well as university presses, open access. Jenn will send a list.

Blog post: VIVO and DSpace: TAMU submissions in response to the pandemic. Bruce has basically already written this. He'd like to attend a DSpace LG meeting.

We did not discuss the Marketing Assessment for VIAB, so that's an open issue.

Mic: we could get an idea of what institutions are doing, and for what – what are they looking for in a certain platform? Could be the intital analysis.

For VIAB, you could either:

  1. Describe VIAB and see how much they like it. Top-down.
  2. Or ask questions to get feedback in order to build a new system. Could be wrt VIVO (what's missing). Bottom-up.

How clear are we about VIAB? 

Marketing assessment can also be a marketing tool. Asking the questions that you know the answers to can help people contribute. A way to get the community closer to the next VIVO. At least you presented it and got confirmation. Community should feel part of the effort. Another UG meeting about the topic of VIAB?

Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 10:00 eastern


Ongoing topics

  • Google map update
  • Use cases blog post
  • Videos project:
    • Follow up in the Membership meeting on 12/10

New topics

  • Marketing assessment for VIAB: how might we go about this?
  • Next steps: Look at the OCLC 2018 report to see what ideas and info we can use to help launch our marketing assessment.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 10:00 eastern


Ongoing topics

  • Google map update: Jenn is almost done
  • Use cases blog post: Jenn will post on LYRASIS
  • Videos project:
    • Follow up in the Membership meeting
    • Use the NAUE on Jan 19 to record the updates – have an interview using two windows. Focus on use cases. What's the budget, size, etc? Keep the demo to five minutes. Values, benefits, efforts.
    • Sam is editing the Leader's Forum and has some intro and ending slides. 

New topics

  • Welcome Mic! New ideas for sharing information about what's happening
    • Internal DSCP VIVO meeting happens with LYRASIS staff – need for more promotion of development happening.
    • Also for Mic to hear what we're doing to share with prospects.
    • Updates on news that needs to be promoted: please tag in the Dev meeting notes!
  • Marketing VIVO in a box
    • i8ln work is being tested – can finish in January/February
    • Propose VIVO core being separated from the install sw. Short project but could help with VIAB.
    • Both should be done before VIAB.
    • Should do a marketing survey to collect info for VIAB? Can this serve also as marketing for VIAB? 
    • Next meeting: talk about how we might do such a marketing assessment.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 10:00 eastern


Ongoing topics

  • Google map – how's it going? Jenn needs a little more time to merge with VIVO sites.
  • new Twitter banner – done!
  • VIVO website: Can we emphasize the Service Providers with a border or larger headline? Sam will increase header size and put the two logos side by side. Change Service Partners to just Partners. By end of the month. 
  • Use cases blog post on Google Drive: are these really the top 3 use cases for VIVO?
    • Should we use these for the flyer?

New topics

  • VIVO videos requested by Membership and Community Engagement:
    • one that introduces VIVO, high-level marketing, explains value proposition, professionally done. Maybe 3 to 5 minutes. Weill Cornell to produce. Julia to send examples. 
    • quick, 5-minute demos that show a screen share – shorter, like 2 to 3 minutes.
    • Can be done by this group?
  • Let's take on the marketing video first, and then we'll work on the short demos.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 10:00 eastern


  • Google map of VIVO sites (Jenn)
    • How do updates occur? Map links to the VIVO sites doc. Jenn will add more address data.
    • What are the implementation steps? Jenn will ask Sam to deploy it. 
  • Twitter banner and analytics review (Anna) Estefania and Anna will change it.
  • Service providers on home page (Sam) Anna will ask Service Providers about the home page. Jenn will tell Sam to change it. 
    • Should it be "Service Partners" or "Service Providers?"
    • Any way to make it stand out more – like a border?
  • Use cases for multiple purposes (flyer, blog post, video)(Bruce, Julia) Gather more information about top use cases. Julia will touch base with Bruce on next steps.
  • Can we make more interim changes to, to incorporate more of Estefania's mockup?Jenn will talk to Meg and Sam and let us know.
  • Next on the Strategic Communication plan: assessment? (Anna, Julia) Next time!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 10:00 eastern time


Julia TrimmerBruce Herbert, Estefania MuñozJennifer Bielewski, Sam Mitchell

Agenda and notes

  • Website changes:
  • Annual report (Sam) Bruce has sent to the group for final approval. 
  • What's next? 
    • New banner for the Twitter profile (Estefania) Almost done. 
    • What's next on the Strategic Plan? (all)

To do for next meeting

  • Get final approval on Annual Report
  • Twitter challenges: tag people or VIVO implementations to engage them in conversations about their VIVO plans, latest enhancements, biggest impact of their VIVO (Julia, Jenn, Bruce)
  • Meet next week (Julia, Bruce, Estefania)  to discuss . . .
    • Write a blog post about using VIVO
    • Brainstorm plan for updating the VIVO flyer

Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 10:00 eastern time


Julia Trimmer and Anna Guillaumet  - co-leads

Ann Beynon

Bruce Herbert

Estefania Muñoz 

Jennifer Bielewski

Agenda and notes

  • Website changes:
  • Annual report: Sam will have it later next week. He'll send it along.
  • What's next? 
    • New banner for the Twitter profile
    • Brainstorming the VIVO/WoS/Reciter: would we give anything up? Thoughts? Great idea, and what would we give up? Scopus is more prevalent in Europe. We could ask to preserve the brands that VIVO has created. It would be great to get an agreement ahead of time. Would it be great to install in the cloud. 
    • What's next on the Strategic Plan? All: think about this for next time. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 10:00 eastern time


Julia Trimmer and Anna Guillaumet  - co-leads

Ann Beynon

Bruce Herbert

Estefania Muñoz 

Jennifer Bielewski


  • Website changes: quick corrections or design improvements
  • Annual report
  • Next steps for the Strategic Communication Plan: make it public?


  • Website changes: quick corrections or design improvements? Both! 
    • Sam has started the quick corrections and updated the Top Priorities document. Some will take longer – the design improvements will be later. These will be part of the LYRASIS site overhaul. 
    • Anna's feedback:
      • Service providers should be more visible in the website. This is done in the mockup.
      • Numbers for VIVO –  we'll remove Registered Sites and go with Community Members, total of Google Groups members. Julia to collect that number.
    • How about a map of active sites? ArchiveSpace might have one. We might need to check with the sites before doing that. Jenn will check with Meg on that.
    • We need to work on the other pages for the mockup – early September. 
  • Next steps for the Strategic Communication Plan: make it public? Yes. Julia to make PDF and attach to the wiki.
  • Annual report: Julia and Bruce will pull together content, schedule a meeting before Aug 16. Julia will get started on it beforehand. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 10:00 eastern time


Julia Trimmer and Anna Guillaumet  - co-leads

Ann Beynon

Bruce Herbert

Estefania Muñoz 

Meg Blum

Sam Mitchell

Jennifer Bielewski


  • Introductions
  • Meeting logistics and invitations
  • Goals of this interest group
  • Annual report
  • Next steps for the Strategic Communication Plan: make it public?
  • LG comments
  • Other changes?


For future meetings, send the invitation to everyone on this list and add the zoom links later.

Website: VIVO nip/tuck can be rolled over to the new DCSP. Content changes have been done. Anna, Julia and Estefania will meet to confirm the plan for changes, and sent the final to Meg, Jenn and Sam.

Annual report: Laurie has shared the template. Julia and Bruce will create a draft for comment. 

Strategic plan:

2020 conference was a big success, and it was clear that the community has an appetite for online events. How do we build off that event? 

Blog posts: send as many as possible to Meg, Sam, and Jenn. We should ask members for news and impact stories. Bruce can help write some too.

Digest list: add contacts. If they have opted into our google group – Meg will build an email form before September that we can send to the Google Groups.

To do:

  • Send Meg a list of final website mockups/changes.
  • Julia and Bruce to create a draft of the annual report.
  • Meg, Sam and Jenn will go over the strategic plan and add comments to the document.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 10:00 eastern

LYRASIS Digest: We should announce the internationalization version of VIVO. User group meetings. Announce two new members. New member meeting. Conference. Julia will start a Google Doc. VIVO news needs to be complete by Friday. Jenn will send a draft by Monday.


Kenna Guilliani manages all of the conferences that LYRASIS has a presence at. Jenn says they can create Zoom backgrounds and stickers to promote VIVO. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 10:00 eastern

  • Possible updates to the website
  • Market assessment at the VIVO conference (poll)
  • Increasing tweets about the conference


Spanish-speaking user group will be held in mid-May. Mic will give us an update.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 10:00 eastern

  • Possible updates to the website
  • Market assessment at the VIVO conference (poll)
  • VIVO Spanish speaking user group
  • VIVO conference


VIVO conference poll. We talked about the possibility to do an online poll in the next VIVO conference, the idea is to engage more VIVO community attendants and on the other hand, have more information about the implementations, expectations, etc. Jenn will propose some tools to do this kind of polls, (some tools where commented: zoom poll, slido, etc...). For the next meeting the idea is to have before the proposal of some initial ideas about questions (Anna or whoever wants could send a first proposal to discuss) and from some tools (Jenn will send), and try to test something. This could be a first step of a bigger market assessment. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 10:00 eastern

  • News: we have two new members, and the TAMU system is planning to do a VIVO for all 11 institutions. The Chancellor is really interested in VIVO and wants to spread the word to the public. Jenn will follow up with Meg about a press release, and work with Bruce on it.
  • Julia will do a couple of tweets about the flyer and another about the recent blog post. 
  • Bruce has a focus group to help working on the survey, he'll ask for volunteers from the Texas Digital Library to help design the survey. 
  • Organizers of the Spanish-speaking user group met with five users, and they want to hold a user group meeting before the conference. They are meeting again next week, and Mic will ask one or two to help with the survey.
  • Anna suggested a conference session regarding the market assessment Jenn has a LYR contact about live Zoom polling and give us best practices. Julia will follow up with Anna and the conference proposal. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 10:00 eastern

  • Flyer ready to go?
  • Survey from 2018 about VIVO governance
  • VIVO conference progress
  • New LYRASIS website: scroll down to the page translator!
  • VIAB updates/assessment goals


Widget Connector

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 10:00 eastern


  • VIVO Website
    • Last summer, we assessed the requested changes and divided them into Quick Corrections and Longer-Term Changes. The Quick Corrections are done. 
    • Could we make some of the Longer-Term Changes? Sam says the home page is hard-coded and will require development efforts. It's a custom WordPress template designed by a contractor. Sam can make edits but can't make substantial changes. 
    • Let's ask Meg to join the next meeting on March 3.
  • Google map: will be changed today.
  • Julia needs to review Estefania's flyer draft and send out proposed changes before the next meeting. We hope to finalize before the next meeting and post on the website.
  • Conference: June 25th. We need to update the conference prospectus, so Mic will let us know about that. 
  • Marketing assessment: Mic recommends that we use it as an opportunity to engage with the community, or a marketing tool. There might be some interesting ideas in the community. So it's not about output but giving them an opportunity to be part of something. 
  • Julia will send out a link to the previous survey to the group.
  • Jenn will send more Twitters followers. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 10:00 eastern


Ongoing topics

  • Google map update: Julia will contact Sam
  • Video update from the Membership group: Still on hold
  • Flyer: Estefania has done a first draft
  • Twitter account: 
  • VIVO Website
  • VIVO2021 conference announcement


Promote the EFS conference.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 10:00 eastern


Ongoing topics

  • Google map update
  • Video update from the Membership group
  • Flyer
  • Twitter account
  • VIVO Website
  • VIVO2021 conference announcement


Marketing assessment can also be a marketing tool. Asking the questions that you know the answers to can help people contribute. A way to get the community closer to the next VIVO. At least you presented it and got confirmation. Community should feel part of the effort. Another UG meeting about the topic of VIAB?

Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 10:00 eastern


Ongoing topics

  • Google map update
  • Use cases blog post
  • Videos project:
    • Follow up in the Membership meeting on 12/10


  • Marketing assessment for VIAB: how might we go about this?
  • Next steps: Look at the OCLC 2018 report to see what ideas and info we can use to help launch our marketing assessment.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 10:00 eastern


Ongoing topics

  • Google map update: Jenn is almost done
  • Use cases blog post: Jenn will post on LYRASIS
  • Videos project:
    • Follow up in the Membership meeting
    • Use the NAUE on Jan 19 to record the updates – have an interview using two windows. Focus on use cases. What's the budget, size, etc? Keep the demo to five minutes. Values, benefits, efforts.
    • Sam is editing the Leader's Forum and has some intro and ending slides. 


  • Welcome Mic! New ideas for sharing information about what's happening
    • Internal DSCP VIVO meeting happens with LYRASIS staff – need for more promotion of development happening.
    • Also for Mic to hear what we're doing to share with prospects.
    • Updates on news that needs to be promoted: please tag in the Dev meeting notes!
  • Marketing VIVO in a box
    • i8ln work is being tested – can finish in January/February
    • Propose VIVO core being separated from the install sw. Short project but could help with VIAB.
    • Both should be done before VIAB.
    • Should do a marketing survey to collect info for VIAB? Can this serve also as marketing for VIAB? 
    • Next meeting: talk about how we might do such a marketing assessment.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 10:00 eastern


Ongoing topics

  • Google map – how's it going? Jenn needs a little more time to merge with VIVO sites.
  • new Twitter banner – done!
  • VIVO website: Can we emphasize the Service Providers with a border or larger headline? Sam will increase header size and put the two logos side by side. Change Service Partners to just Partners. By end of the month. 
  • Use cases blog post on Google Drive: are these really the top 3 use cases for VIVO?
    • Should we use these for the flyer?


  • VIVO videos requested by Membership and Community Engagement:
    • one that introduces VIVO, high-level marketing, explains value proposition, professionally done. Maybe 3 to 5 minutes. Weill Cornell to produce. Julia to send examples. 
    • quick, 5-minute demos that show a screen share – shorter, like 2 to 3 minutes.
    • Can be done by this group?
  • Let's take on the marketing video first, and then we'll work on the short demos.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 10:00 eastern


  • Google map of VIVO sites (Jenn)
    • How do updates occur? Map links to the VIVO sites doc. Jenn will add more address data.
    • What are the implementation steps? Jenn will ask Sam to deploy it. 
  • Twitter banner and analytics review (Anna) Estefania and Anna will change it.
  • Service providers on home page (Sam) Anna will ask Service Providers about the home page. Jenn will tell Sam to change it. 
    • Should it be "Service Partners" or "Service Providers?"
    • Any way to make it stand out more – like a border?
  • Use cases for multiple purposes (flyer, blog post, video)(Bruce, Julia) Gather more information about top use cases. Julia will touch base with Bruce on next steps.
  • Can we make more interim changes to, to incorporate more of Estefania's mockup?Jenn will talk to Meg and Sam and let us know.
  • Next on the Strategic Communication plan: assessment? (Anna, Julia) Next time!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 10:00 eastern time


Julia TrimmerBruce Herbert, Estefania MuñozJennifer Bielewski, Sam Mitchell

Agenda and notes

  • Website changes:
  • Annual report (Sam) Bruce has sent to the group for final approval. 
  • What's next? 
    • New banner for the Twitter profile (Estefania) Almost done. 
    • What's next on the Strategic Plan? (all)


  • Get final approval on Annual Report
  • Twitter challenges: tag people or VIVO implementations to engage them in conversations about their VIVO plans, latest enhancements, biggest impact of their VIVO (Julia, Jenn, Bruce)
  • Meet next week (Julia, Bruce, Estefania)  to discuss . . .
    • Write a blog post about using VIVO
    • Brainstorm plan for updating the VIVO flyer

Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 10:00 eastern time


Julia Trimmer and Anna Guillaumet  - co-leads


Estefania Muñoz 

Jennifer Bielewski

Agenda and notes

  • Website changes:
  • Annual report: Sam will have it later next week. He'll send it along.
  • What's next? 
    • New banner for the Twitter profile
    • Brainstorming the VIVO/WoS/Reciter: would we give anything up? Thoughts? Great idea, and what would we give up? Scopus is more prevalent in Europe. We could ask to preserve the brands that VIVO has created. It would be great to get an agreement ahead of time. Would it be great to install in the cloud. 
    • What's next on the Strategic Plan? All: think about this for next time. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 10:00 eastern time


Julia Trimmer and Anna Guillaumet  - co-leads


Estefania Muñoz 

Jennifer Bielewski


  • Website changes: quick corrections or design improvements
  • Annual report
  • Next steps for the Strategic Communication Plan: make it public?


  • Website changes: quick corrections or design improvements? Both! 
    • Sam has started the quick corrections and updated the Top Priorities document. Some will take longer – the design improvements will be later. These will be part of the LYRASIS site overhaul. 
    • Anna's feedback:
      • Service providers should be more visible in the website. This is done in the mockup.
      • Numbers for VIVO –  we'll remove Registered Sites and go with Community Members, total of Google Groups members. Julia to collect that number.
    • How about a map of active sites? ArchiveSpace might have one. We might need to check with the sites before doing that. Jenn will check with Meg on that.
    • We need to work on the other pages for the mockup – early September. 


Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 10:00 eastern time


Julia Trimmer and Anna Guillaumet  - co-leads
