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      • 2021-02-26 Have to develop SPARQL queries to pull out certain sorts of connected Work. Don't expect data to be very dense but do expect that we would get useful connections between print and electronic for example. We already have a link based on the OCLC concordance file from several years ago.
      • ACTION - Steven Folsom and Huda Khan to work on building an equivalent of the OCLC concordance file based on SVDE data and then do a comparison to see how they are similar and different
        • 2021-04-02 Steven and Huda met to think about putting together queries to extract a similar dataset.  (Document for recording queries). Open questions about the counts – got 16k works from one view, got about 8k where limited to case with at least one instance. These numbers are much much lower than expected
        • 2021-04-16 Steven working with Dave on how to pull our SVDE data. Dave still working through some errors in ingest of SVDE data – this needs to be resolved before looking for concordance. Has asked Frances for 2015 concordance
        • 2021-04-23 Waiting on indexing of PCC data, have learnt more about the basis for the old OCLC concordance file
    • Publisher authorities/ids
      • At Cornell we haven't tried to connect authorities with publishes
      • LC working on connecting to publisher identifiers - utility is things also published by a publisher
      • Also possible interest in series and awards
      • 2021-04-23 Might be able to use LC publisher ids in BANG!, Steven will look at whether there is a dump available
    • DAG Calls
      • Meeting link
      • Possible questions: How will the BF produced by linky MARC be better than from our current MARC? How would that compare with SVDE data? How do back-end improvements reduce the number of D&A indexing matchings need to be done? What does the use of D&A matchings tell us about the value or prioritization of back-end data improvements? Might be useful to look at D&A wiki and/or ask Frances for the improvements we currently make during indexing

Linked-Data Authority Support (WP2)

  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration – Support and evolve QA+cache instance for use with QASinopia
    • 2021-04-30
      • Discussed the potential to include non-RDF authorities.  Not difficult on the QA side, but Sinopia team is concerned about the difficulty in supporting on their side.  The earliest they could work on it is Fall 2021 and even then it would have to be prioritized.
        • The non-RDF authorities that people want are ISO language and script (e.g. ISO 639-3, ISO 15924). There is a data property in BF that LC use with literal values (not URIs). Sinopia doesn't have a facility for lookups from a set of literal values, QA could support this but Sinopia wants RDF from QA only.
        • For rare materials there will be a similar issue with RBMS vocabs that aren't RDF
      • Discussed general priorities for Sinopia.  Used the priorities spreadsheet (under working group section) as the starting point.  Then looked at issues already in Sinopia which represent their expected priorities. 
        • Key takeaways:
          • Sinopia fully supports 4/7 of Priority 1 user stories, partially supports 1, the remaining 2 are performance/timeout related which are at the cache/QA level and both are improved by the latest indexing approach. 
          • Sinopia fully supports 2/7 of the Priority 2. 
          • There are 4 others that are either fully or partially supported. 
          • There are 14 not supported.  
        • Potential work we've discussed in the past:
          • Support for left anchor search, exact value search, and allowing user to select the approach (including existing keyword search). 
            • Jason notes that Laura Daniels has done lots of work around inventory search in FOLIO. Can do both left anchor and keyword based on special syntax.
            • In D&A one can do search on subject or subject a-z
          • Improved functioning for broader/narrower where the user can select a broarder/narrower term or use one of them as a new search.
          • Advanced search with passing in specific fieldname:value to find results and filtering of results by field value or date range.
          • ACTION - Ask Sinopia team for explicit feedback on priorities
      • Dave's new indexing is there, accuracy and performance is improved though we aren't sure about timeouts
  • Search API Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group
    • 2021-04-30
      • First meeting May 10, same time slot as old group. Will look at use cases first (keeping cache in sync, keeping cached labels in sync in application, URIs cached in application)
      • I put together a spreadsheet that looked at which priorities from the first charter are in Sinopia now.
  • Cache Containerization Plan - Develop a sustainable solution that others can deploy
    • 2021-04-09
      • Greg: Working on permissions issue.  Need to rethink approach. 
        • Need certain amount of permissions to create whole suite, including ability to create permissions.  Somewhat circular.
        • Considering breaking permissions out into a separate piece. 
          • Create these for yourself or give to admin to install for you
          • If using admin permissions, do not need this piece.  Not recommended.
        • Goal: granular set of permissions recorded in document.
    • 2021-04-30
      • Have worked on permissions issues and documented how to implement in AWS
      • Greg now running out of things to do without more input from Dave. Can document existing work and develop presentation for conference
      • Consider moving live QA instance from EBS to container version? Need to consider update mechanisms CI/CD. Agree that this is a good direction

Developing Cornell's functional requirements in order to move toward linked data
