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titleWork in progress (Feedback welcome)

These installation instructions are a work-in-progress.  They do NOT yet include production Link -ready installation scenarios for running the (Angular) frontend via production tools like PM2 or Passenger.  Feedback or improvements are welcome.


Table of Content Zone

UNIX-like OS or Microsoft Windows

  • UNIX-like operating system (Linux, HP/UX, Mac OSX, etc.) : Many distributions of Linux/Unix come with some of the dependencies below pre-installed or easily installed via updates.  You should consult your particular distribution's documentation or local system administrators to determine what is already available.
  • Microsoft Windows:  While DSpace can be run on Windows servers, most institutions tend to run it on a UNIX-like operating system.

Node.js (v12.x or v14.x)

  • Node.js can be found at  It may be available through your Linux distribution's package manager.  We recommend running a Long Term Support (LTS) version (even numbered releases).  Non-LTS versions (odd numbered releases) are not recommended.
  • Node.js is a Javascript runtime that also provides npm (Node Package Manager). It is used to both build and run the frontend.

Yarn (v1.x)

  • Yarn v1.x is available at  It can usually be install via NPM (or through your Linux distribution's package manager)

    Code Block
    # You may need to run this command using "sudo" if you don't have proper privileges
    npm install --global yarn

  • Yarn is used to build/install the frontend.

DSpace 7.x Backend (see above)

PM2 (or another Process Manager for Node.js apps) (optional, but recommended for Production)

  • In Production scenarios, we highly recommend starting/stopping the User Interface using a Node.js process manager. There are several available, but our current favorite is PM2.  The rest of this installation guide assumes you are using PM2.
  • PM2 is very easily installed via NPM

    Code Block
    # You may need to run this command using "sudo" if you don't have proper privileges
    npm install --global pm2

DSpace 7.x Backend (see above)

  • The DSpace User Interface (Frontend) cannot function without an installed DSpace Backend.  Follow the instructions above.
  • The Frontend and Backend need not be installed on the
  • The DSpace User Interface (Frontend) cannot function without an installed DSpace Backend.  Follow the instructions above.
  • The Frontend and Backend need not be installed on the same server.  They may be installed on separate machines as long as the two machines can connect to one another via HTTP or HTTPS.  (HTTPS is required if on separate machines)


  1. First, install all the Frontend Requirements listed above & verify the backend/REST API is publicly accessible.
  2. Download the latest dspace-angular release from the DSpace GitHub repository. You can choose to either download the zip or tar.gz file provided by GitHub, or you can use "git" to checkout the appropriate tag (e.g. dspace-7.0-beta5) or branch.
  3. Install all necessary local dependencies by running the following from within the unzipped "dspace-angular" directory

    Code Block
    # change directory to our repo
    cd dspace-angular
    # install the local dependencies
    yarn install

  4. Create a Production Configuration file at [dspace-angular]/src/environment/ You may wish to use the environment.template.ts as a starting point. This file can be used to override any of the default configurations specified in the environment.common.ts (in that same directory).  At a minimum this file MUST include the "ui" and "rest" sections similar to the following (keep in mind, you only need to include settings that you need to modify): 

    Code Block
    export const environment = {   
      // This example is valid if your UI will be publicly available at
      // Keep in mind, this should be the PUBLIC URL (it should match the URL you will enter in your browser)
      // It should also be kept in sync with the value of "dspace.ui.url" in the backend local.cfg (otherwise the backend may not trust your UI)
      ui: { 
          ssl: true,
          host: '',
          port: 443, 
          // NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in TypeScript
          nameSpace: '/' 
      // This example is valid if your Backend is publicly available at 
      // It should be kept in sync with the value of "dspace.server.url" in the backend's local.cfg
      rest: { 
          ssl: true, 
          host: '',
          port: 443, 
          // NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in TypeScript
          nameSpace: '/server' 

    1. HINT FOR FIRST TIMERS: In the "ui" section above, you may wish to start with "ssl: false" and "port: 4000" just to be certain that everything else is working properly.  With those settings, you can quickly test your UI by running "yarn start" and trying to access it via http://[]:4000/ from your web browser.  KEEP IN MIND, we highly recommend always using HTTPS for Production.
    2. If there are other settings you know you need to modify in the default environment.common.ts configuration file you can also copy them into this same file.
  5. Build the User Interface for Production. This uses your and the source code to create a compiled version of the UI in the [dspace-angular]/dist folder

    Code Block
    yarn run build:prod

    1. Keep in mind, if you change/update your, you will need to rebuild the UI application (i.e. rerun this command).

  6. Assuming you are using PM2, create a JSON configuration file describing how to run our UI application.  This need NOT be in the same directory as the dspace-angular codebase itself (in fact you may want to put the parent directory or another location). Keep in mind the "cwd" setting (on line 5) must be the full path to your [dspace-angular] folder.

    Code Block
        "apps": [
                "name": "dspace-angular",
                "cwd": "/home/angular/dspace-angular",
                "script": "yarn",
                "args": "run serve:ssr",
               "interpreter": "none"

  7. Now, start the application using PM2

    Code Block

  8. Start the application

    Code Block
    # build and start the application
    yarn start

    1. To stop the application at any time, use Ctrl + C
  9. After a few minutes, the user interface will be running on your local machine. 
    1. Visit http://localhost:4000/
    2. For an example of what the default frontend looks like, visit the Demo Frontend: 
