Versions Compared


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Attendees:Tim, Greg, Lynette, Jason, Huda, Adam, User Reps

Regrets: Simeon, Jason,   Steven

Meeting with User Reps


  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration – Support and evolve QA+cache instance for use with QA
    • 2021-04-02:
      • No meetings this week for QA/Sinopia this week.
      • Dave and Lynette met to talk about remaining issues. Dave made progress on some a Lynette looking into a label issue on the QA side. Open questions about MeSH that Dave is looking into
      • Plan to do before and after comparison to discuss before moving into production
      • Lynette will give an update on this work package for the partner meeting; have suggested that Sinopia team will give update on UI side
    • 2021-04-09
      • Did meet!
      • PCC Data status in ShareVDE
        • What are the remaining questions we should focus on with ShareVDE to make possible round tripping with SharevDE?
        • Dave cached the data but trying to make direct connection with GraphQL. Challenge = test data and so small subset.  Don't know what performance issues and other challenges may appear once the full dataset is available.
      • Meeting on Monday with ShareVDE.
      • Stanford (Vivian) forwarded questions to ShareVDE
      • Trying to get indexing system into production. 
  • Search API Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group
    • 2021-04-02
      • Interest in group heavily skewed toward cataloger/curator side, hoping to get more from authority providers and developers
      • Will also reach out to AGROVOC because their structure is strong and easy to work with, they handle languages very well. Results lack ranking however
      • Expect to solidyfy solidify membership next week and then schedule meetings
    • 2021-04-0
      • Up to 13 members!
      • Good representation on producer side.  Still waiting on word from OCLC. ISNI not participating.
        • Yeses: LOC, ShareVDE, MeSH
      • Dave participating from developer side
  • Cache Containerization Plan - Develop a sustainable solution that others can deploy
    • 2021-03-26
      • Greg and Lynette have been working together on documenting the deployment to AWS and this has been very useful in uncovering missing things. Greg found that he needs to make sure AWS actions can be performed by a less powerful user
      • Greg has discussion containerization of cache infrastructure. Greg has some tasks to help with
    • 2021-04-02
      • Lynette notes mimemagic issue with Rails that derailed (pun intended) much
      • Greg had to work around issues with env file that connected container to wrong DB, not yet sure of scope of the problem created
      • Continuing work on documentation and permissions
      • Have given Dave and empty container as a starting point for him to start work when ready, don't expect this yet
      • What will it take to get the indexing process containerized? For LCNAF this will take significant resources, incremental updates will be important. Should perhaps start small to get the process going for something small (e.g. RDA registry). Would be good to start working on this.
    • 2021-04-09
      • Greg: Working on permissions issue.  Need to rethink approach. 
        • Need certain amount of permissions to create whole suite, including ability to create permissions.  Somewhat circular.
        • Considering breaking permissions out into a separate piece. 
          • Create these for yourself or give to admin to install for you
          • If using admin permissions, do not need this piece.  Not recommended.
        • Goal: granular set of permissions recorded in document.

Developing Cornell's functional requirements in order to move toward linked data


  • PCC/Sinopia and SVDE shape analysis
    • 2021-03-19 Steven has been working through a spreadsheet of 400+ lines to compare the shape of SVDE data with the PCC/Sinopia profile. He is finding that there are many many differences which will severely limit how well Sinopia will be able to consume and edit SVDE data. For the purposes of QA/Sinopia cloning, Steven could come up with some ldpaths but not sure whether the amount of data will be useful. Steven expects to be able to share the spreadsheet at the next Sinopia/SVDE meeting. Going forward we need to consider the role of versioning/documenting shape changes and validation at both scale and single descriptions. Justin's validation scripts: Tom Baker's csv2shex:
    • 2021-03-26 Steven finished working through the spreadsheet comparing SVDE data with the PCC profile. Notes that he is looking only from the side of the PCC profile and would thus miss other things in SVDE data. Patterns around different types of work in SVDE data (e.g. Opus and other higher level works have very different shapes). Difficult pattern of double-reified relationships between works. Steven will let SVDE/QA folks know about completion of the work. Need to find a way toward alignment.
    • ACTION - Steven Folsom to write up state of current analysis and store a snapshot of the spreadsheet on the LD4P3 wiki
      • 2021-04-02 - Started...
  • OCLC Linked Data / Entities Advisory Group
    • 2021-04-02 Michelle asked about connecting QA to the OCLC Entity Backbone as part of updates for partner meeting, Lynette has reached out about API
    • 2021-04-09 Lynette has not heard back yet from OCLC
  • PCC Task Group on Non-RDA Entities
    • 2021-03-19 Group headed by standing committee on standards will formally propose a list of non-RDA entity types. Steven will join. Deliverables by June
    • 2021-04-02 Many participants involved in ILS/LSP migrations so work delayed until July
  • Default branch name - Working through repositories in Renaming of LD4P Repositories
  • Authorities in FOLIO
    • Hope to include URIs as part of Cornell FOLIO migration, possible LD4P work
    • 2021-04-03-19 In LTS there is a task group that has a proposal for authority management in FOLIO (absent new features). Being reviewed with request for scripting work to create reports etc.. Includes insertion of URIs into MARC2021-04-02 Jason meeting with Debra later today09: CUL-IT in favor of proposal but resourcing will have to wait until after FOLIO.  (URIs are cool.)

Upcoming meetings

  • .  Call for Proposals - Special Issue: "The Metadata Issue: Metadata as Knowledge".  Due January 31, 2021 (abstract 300-500 words).  Includes "The use of linked open data to facilitate the interaction between metadata and bodies of knowledge" and "Cultural heritage organization (libraries, archives, galleries, and museums) and academic projects that contribute to or leverage open knowledge platforms such as Wikidata"
  • LD4 Conference 2021 - proposals due April 12 – brief descriptions, ~200 words, with structured questions too
    • Discovery - suggestion of discussion form 
    • Steven thinking something around shapes and compatibility and round trips
    • Lynette/Greg/Dave - containerization, should have documented product by then
      • 4/9: Submitted abstract for presentation
    • Lynette – possibly something about the working group, perhaps updated version of code4lib
      • 4/9: Submitted as a lightning talk
    • Document for brainstorming (in case anyone wants to use it)
  • Lynette doing a QA presentation at Samvera partner call in June

Next Meeting(s), anyone out?:

  • 2021-04-09 - Jason and Simeon not available, Huda will lead meeting to discuss with D&A reps16 - Maybe Greg but he will let us know