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DSpace 7.0 will be the largest release in the history of DSpace. It is the culmination of strategic planning by DSpace Governance in response to community feedback, use cases and needs. (see Strategic Planning)

AchievementMore details
(tick) (20152014-15) Governance creates a Strategic Plan for modernizing & refreshing DSpace for the future. A key goal of this plan is a "single, out of the box user interface" to replace the aging XMLUI and JSPUI. DSpace 2015-18 Strategic Plan

(tick) (2015-16) Community competition for different UI prototypes. Nine were reviewed / analyzed for inclusion as the single, future DSpace UI.

DSpace UI Prototype Challenge

(tick) (2016) Formal selection of Angular as new UI framework, replacing both the XMLUI and JSPUI. New Angular UI that is modern, responsive, and built using a Bootstrap theme for easy customization.

"Introducing the new DSpace User Interface" talk at OR2016

DSpace 7 UI Project Plain Language Summary

(tick) (2017) Adoption of a standards based REST API to maximize exposure of all DSpace features for integration purposes: A completely redesigned REST API that is self-documenting and human browsable (2017- development ongoing)

"On the Road to DSpace 7 : Angular UI + REST" at OR2017

DSpace 7 UI Project Plain Language Summary

(tick) (2017-19) Redesigned submissions and workflows featuring a one page submission process with a drag-and-drop interface & a searchable MyDSpace.Configuration changes in the submission process
(tick) (2018-19) Configurable entities, an optional new item type inspired by the DSpace-CRIS project that allows for complex linked relationships between items
(tick) (May 2019) Preview release, including Entity demonstrator and associated data setDSpace 7 Preview Release 
(tick) (2019-20) Docker installation and deployment proceduresTry out DSpace 7 ("Install via Docker" section)

(tick) (March 2020) Beta 1 released

Beta 1 Release Notes
(tick) (April 2020) Beta 2 releasedBeta 2 Release Notes
(tick) (July 2020) Beta 3 releasedBeta 3 Release Notes
(tick) (Oct 2020) Beta 4 releasedBeta 4 Release Notes
Beta 5 is under development. It will be the final Beta before TestathonSee DSpace 7 Release Goals

TBA (Q1 2021)

7.0 release (see "What will be included in DSpace 7.0?" below)TBA (After Testathon)
7.1 release (see "What will be included in DSpace 7.1?" below)TBA (After 7.0 release)
7.2 release (see "What will be included in DSpace 7.2?" below)TBA (After 7.1 release)


  1. A new User Interface based on Angular (to replace XMLUI and JSPUI). This work is going on in the "main" branch of
    1. The goal of the new UI is to implement all major features of both XMLUI and JSPUI in a single, modern UI. 
    2. See the 7.0 Release Notes (for each Beta) for a more exhaustive list of all features already in 7.0. 
    3. NOTE: Some, lower-priority, minor DSpace 6 XMLUI or JSPUI features have been delayed for either 7.1 or 7.2 release (see sections below). This decision was made to make 7.0 available as soon as possible.
  2. A refactored/enhanced REST API (using modern REST best practices). This work is going on in the "main" branch of
    1. Additionally, a new REST Contract (describing all API interactions) is being written at
  3. A new Configurable Entities object model, which allows for the creation of new "typed" Items, and storing relationships between Items.  This feature will allow for tighter integration with external identifier systems (e.g. ORCID), current research information systems (CRIS), journal publishing systems, etc. This work was completed by the DSpace 7 Entities Working Group.
    1. Early technical documentation is available at


  • General features
    • Feedback form
    • Contextual help (e.g. hover-overs which provide hints/tips on using the user interface)
    • View your groups (on user profile page)
    • Request a Copy
    • Support "Browse By" configurations for custom browse options. In 7.0, "Browse By" options shown in the UI are hardcoded when they should be read from configuration.
  • Submission related features
    • Support drag & drop of multiple files at once from MyDSpace page.  In 7.0, only one file can be drag & dropped at a time from MyDSpace...however, you can drag & drop additional ones during submission.
    • Embargo entire Item (including metadata). In 7.0, only a Bitstream/File can be embargoed
    • Make an Item private during submission.  In 7.0, it's only possible to make an item private after it is submitted.
    • Extracting metadata from a bibliographic file (e.g. BibTex, PDF) to enrich an in-progress submission.  In 7.0, metadata extraction only will occur when uploading a file from the MyDSpace page to start a new submission. 
    • External lookup of metadata using a search or identifier (e.g. DOI) to enrich an in-progress submission.  In 7.0, external searches/lookups can only be done from the MyDSpace page to start a new submission.
    • SHERPA/RoMEO Integration
    • Support for kicking off a Curation Task during Submission process.
  • Workflow related features
    • Full support for custom configurable workflow steps.  In 7.0, some workflow step names are hardcoded, so custom named steps may not be recognized automatically.
    • Ability to batch claim workflow tasks. In 7.0, you can only claim one approval task at a time.
    • Preview an item during workflow approval (via a button), to allow for easier accepting/rejecting.
  • Administrative features
    • Export an Item, a Collection or a Community to Zip file
    • Batch Import from a Zip file
    • Ability to preview Batch Metadata changes during import of CSV.  In 7.0, it is possible to import a CSV but you are not shown a preview of pending changes.
    • Create a new Item Version (as an administrator or a submitter).  In 7.0, viewing Item Versions is supported, but new versions cannot be created.
    • Embargo an archived Item - applying an embargo after the fact to an Item that is already available.
    • Bulk access control management (previously called "Advanced Policy Manager") - The ability to modify policies on several items at once.
    • OAI-PMH harvesting (from an external OAI-PMH endpoint) into a DSpace Collection
    • Edit Homepage News from Admin UI
  • Statistics features
    • Workflow reports - statistics on items currently in workflow approval.
    • Administrative (potentially log-based) statistical reports (still under discussion on inclusion or exclusion)
