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Item (time)Description and ActionsResources
Housekeeping (10 minutes)
  • Appoint group chair
  • Appoint note-taker for today's meeting

Group Scope and objectives (20 min)

Review group objectives. Any additions?

  1. Make recommendations for meeting format and frequency for Leadership and Steering Groups (by October Leadership meeting).
  2. Revise descriptions of roles and responsibilities of Leadership and Steering Groups and chairs ( by October Leadership meeting).
  3. Revise DSpace-LYRASIS MOU with the goals of (1) harmonizing it with other LYRASIS DCSPs and (2) creating an agreement that could cover a 3-year term. (Completed by December 2020).
  4. Refine and make additions to governance orientation documents (by July 2021)
Proposed work plan (15 min)

Discuss and agree on a timeline for meetings and deliverables.

Proposed plan:

  • Today's meeting: Governance roles and meetings
    • Establish recommendations for meeting format/frequency and revised descriptions of Leadership/Steering roles and responsibilities.
    • Present to Leadership in October.
  • November and (early) December meetings: MOU Revisions
    • November meeting: Review MOU and a proposed revision. If necessary, assign 1-2 group members to draft additional revisions.
    • December meeting: Discuss and approve revised MOU.
    • Present to Leadership in January.
  • Two meetings in Spring 2021: Additional recommendations
    • Meeting #1: Review and discuss governance orientation documents, make recommendations. Assign revisions to 1-2 group members.
    • Meeting #2: Review and approve orientation documents.
    • Present to Leadership by July.

Deliverables for Next Leadership Meeting (70 min)

Note: We'll take a 5-minute break if needed.

  • Recommendations for meeting format and frequency for Leadership and Steering Groups
  • Revised descriptions of roles and responsibilities of Leadership and Steering Groups and chairs

Straw man proposals to start discussion are below:

      • Leadership Group
        • Meetings held quarterly, with option to call "emergency" meeting when necessary.
        • Meetings held in September, January, April, and (late) June (not physically at Open Repositories).
        • Meeting duration: 2 hours
        • Role of Leadership: Approves the overall priorities and strategic direction of the program by approving the annual budget and product roadmap, nominating and electing Steering Group members, voting on significant changes to strategic direction or roadmap presented by the Steering Group, and helping to raise funds and secure other resources on behalf of the DSpace Program. All other decisions are made by Steering. Transparent communication, and any Leader has the authority to call an emergency meeting about any issues.
        • Some working groups may be limited to Leaders.
        • Meeting format and content: Reports from working groups and LYRASIS DCSP team, Report from SG and presentation of items for voting or discussion, Special topics or guest presentations.
        • Meeting agendas and materials will be provided a week in advance.
      • Steering Group
        • Meetings held monthly.
        • Meeting duration: 1.5 hours
        • Role of Steering: Provides project oversight and ensures that the priorities of the Leadership Group and members are met. This includes
          • Operational oversight, including time-sensitive requests
          • Set strategic priorities (for approval by Leadership)
          • Recommend budget allocations (for approval by Leadership)
          • Assist with fundraising
          • Commission working groups.
          • Sets agenda for Leadership Meeting
        • 3-year term, do not have to be a Leader to be elected to Steering.
        • Decision -
    • Officers
      • A single set of officers for both Leadership and Steering.
      • Chair sets agendas for LG and SG and leads LG and SG meetings.
      • Vice Chair leads when Chair cannot attend.
      • Vice Chair assumes Chair position at end of term.
      • Chair and Vice Chair serve with LYRASIS rep (i.e. Laurie) as financial oversight committee.
      • Encourage geographical diversity in selection of these two positions. (not a hard requirement)
      • Revisions
        • Chair for two-year renewable terms
        • Vice Chair for one-year terms

Current DSpace governance descriptions: Project DSpace Governance 

  • PLEASE NOTE: The scope of this discussion will be governance roles and responsibilities. I propose that discussion of eligibility/membership levels will be out of scope for today.

For reference:

Wrap up and next steps (5 min)

Any other business

Inventory of DSpace governance documentation:


Recommendations:  discussion reflected below in updated agenda above but separate recommendation doc will be created and shared with leadership.

Leadership Group 

  • Meetings held quarterly, with option to call "emergency" meeting when necessary. 
  • Meetings held in September, January, April, and (late) June (not physically at Open Repositories).
  • Meeting duration: 2 hours
  • Role of Leadership: Approves the overall priorities and strategic direction of the program by 
    • approving the annual budget and product roadmap 
    • nominating and electing Steering Group members 
    • voting on significant changes to strategic direction or roadmap presented by the Steering Group and 
    • helping to raise funds and secure other resources on behalf of the DSpace Program
    • All other decisions are made by Steering. 
  • Transparent communication (i.e. decisions made by steering communicated to Leadership group within x time), and any Leader has the authority to call an emergency meeting about any issues.
  • Some working groups may be limited to Leaders.
  • Meeting format and content: 
    • Reports from working groups and LYRASIS DCSP team, 
    • Report from SG and 
    • Presentation of items for voting or discussion, 
    • Special topics or guest presentations.
  • Meeting agendas and materials will be provided a week in advance.

Steering Group 

  • Meetings held monthly.
  • Meeting duration: 1.5 hours
  • Role of Steering: Provides program oversight and ensures that the priorities of the Leadership Group and members are met. This includes:
    • Operational oversight, including time-sensitive requests
    • Set strategic priorities (for approval by Leadership)
    • Recommend budget allocations (for approval by Leadership)
    • Assist with fundraising
    • Commission working groups
    • Sets agenda for Leadership Meeting
  • Steering is empowered
  • All decisions made by SG are send to LG with the right of any LG member to call an emergency meeting on such decisions within 3 days
  • Terms: 3-year term, do not have to be a Leader to be elected to Steering. Can be reelected.



Wrap Up and next steps

Let’s refine and make recommendations to Leadership for the October meeting vote. This is effective immediately - meaning leadership won’t meet again until January 2021. 
