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Table of Contents

Turn Off Inferencing

Inferencing can be very time-consuming.  If you are loading a large set of data (thousands of people and tens of thousands of publication, that is, sets of triple in the 15M and above size) you may benefit from turning off inferencing during load and recomputing inferences (see below) after initial load.  And if you have added the inferred triples using your own processes, before loading, you may not need to recompute the inferences.

  1. Find the file WEB-INF/resources/startup_listeners.txt
  2. Edit the file and comment out two lines as shown below
  3. Restart VIVO.  VIVO will no longer do reasoning at start-up
  4. Load data.  Data will not be inferenced.
  5. Once data is loaded, you may wish to the the SysAdmin interface to recompute interfaces.  You may also recompute interfaces using the URL shown in the next section.
Code Block
# edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.application.ApplicationImpl$ReasonersSetup
# edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.servlet.setup.SimpleReasonerSetup

Recompute Inferences

The inference engine / Reasoner may need to be told to run, and that is achieved by a user with administrative privileges visiting a job specific site.

Code Block

Turning Off Search Indexing

(to be written)

Re-building the search index
