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  • there is work being done across LYRASIS that is somewhat similar to this. But not specifically like this going on. Will bring perspective of this group to LYRASIS and see where things land. 

Q from subgroup: community-supported programs - discussion of how to integrate the Duraspace programs into website?

 - yes there is ongoing discussion about this. You can still go to individual Fedora, VIVO, DSpace sites, and there is a strategic development about how to integrate into LYRASIS structure. It is in process.

Carol's role - assigned to be a liaison to groups like ours. All of the open source project communities have marketing/communication subgroups formed by steering committees. 

LYRASIS booth - promoting Fedora and all the other offerings. Does show up at a lot of conferences, but somewhat different from Duraspace side of things. 

Q from subgroup: what about outreach to global audiences for Fedora? Michele continues to be the outreach point person for this. Interest in what their is to offer beyond DSpace. He is involved in messaging. We should reach out to him about specific messaging and timing around messaging for Fedora 6. Good to engage partner orgs like COAR and EuroCriss. Also look at the conferences/meetings doc, thinking about LYRASIS overall not just Fedora. Bring LYRASIS presence more fully into the global digital preservation community. 

Focus on both Fedora 6 and also on building the global digital preservation community through LYRASIS.

Q from Subgroup - thoughts or suggestions for us?

As we work on FEdora 6 communication - be in touch with Carol - she is now a liaison with the community groups like Fedora. To get content from us when we have something to share. If we have a blog post we want - she drafts, we help edit, she posts it. Streamlined workflow. She also works with David closely.  

We would like to have testimonials of implementers/testers. 

Could we band together to get a market research process. Catalyst fund - this is something that could benefit from this grant. Market research for what are our markets (VIVO, DSpace, Fedora) for these related but separate entities? 

Carol can reach out to Laurie Arp about a Catalyst fund application. 

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