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(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Ralph O'Flinn 
  2. Brian Lowe 
  3. Michel Heon
  4. Julia Trimmer (star) 
  5. Andrew WoodsRobert Nelson 
  6. Benjamin Gross (star)
  7. Kristina Heinricy
  8. Don Elsborg
  9. Steven McCauley
  10. Mike Conlon
  11. Huda Khan
  12. María Amalia Flórez Huertas


  1. Community updates
  2. 1.11.0 release updates - targeting this week!
    1. Release Testing - 1.11.0

      1. Data distribution API documentation has been updated
      2. Proxy Editor documentation ticket created
      3. Externalized solr
        1. Still need setup documentation
        2. Still need "custom field" documentation


          serverDuraSpace JIRA

  3. Sprint planning (Oct 14-25)
    1. 2019-10-14 Sprint - Kickoff Meeting
    2.  Topics
      1. Provide an orientation to VIVO Scholar for community developers, setting up the environment, and introducing existing documentation
      2. Updating Scholars Discovery defaults for specific institutions such as TAMU including branding, look and feel etc.
      3. Orcid integration: pulling and pushing publications
      4. Decoupling TPF server
        1. or starting with decoupling the triplestore?
      5. Bringing NEMO Freemarker templates into core
      6. Vitro Messaging ?
  4. Special topics for future dev calls?
    1. TDB vs SDB - date?
  5.  In-review tickets

    1. Expand

      serverDuraSpace JIRA


Draft notes in Google-Doc

  • General updates? VIVO Scholars call discussed how to extend the ontology, how might that be done. Jim and Rob are in a Web Components Unconference at Duke.
  • Goal is to release 1.11 by the end of the week. There’s a bit more cleanup needed. Thanks to Mike and Benjamin for helping with the data-distribution-api documentation.
    • Docs needed to setup external SOLR, additional docs needed for custom fields
    • Don has downloaded the harvester and is hoping to test more in 1.11. Please let us know if you find anything -- we can even add to 1.11.1 if necessary.
  • Andrew has run the acceptance test suite... ran and passed for the most part. Huda tried but tests didn’t work for her.
    • Andrew said there are 4 files to update for VIVO solr. Need to have external solr running AND configured with VIVO. Huda to try again. Andrew to run tests against 1.10 for comparisons sake.
  • Sprint starting Monday. The agenda has been cleaned up a bit and shuffled around. We will have a meeting on Monday at 1 EDT -- Andrew will clarify.
    • Objectives around VIVO Scholar, how to get the environment up and load some known/cleaned up data. Jim and probably Rob will help with that.
    • Also institutionalizing VS and changing the defaults. How to customize things.
    • Also documenting how to extend the ontology (we need to add).
  • Don: we need to talk about 1.11 compatibility. What will be needed? Will VS be compatible with previous versions?
    • Andrew: we need to know which versions of VIVO the community is running? And how to help them move forward?
    • Everytime an institution falls behind the current version, it reduces the potential resources for development contributors.
    • Don: upgrading takes work that we don’t always have time for. 
    • Andrew: first let’s figure out which version everyone’s using and then what it takes to jump to 1.11. 
    • Don: focus a sprint to make VS work with 1.11 which would incentivize the community to upgrade. Should this be future sprint? 
    • Andrew: should the VIVO LG survey the community about versions?
    • Don: how do we justify spending time upgrading their VIVO? Mike: otherwise you lose support. We don’t document and maintain old versions. How far back do you want to be? 
    • Amailia: The reasons should include the benefits and new features. 
    • Julia: It would be great to have a compelling feature in each release -- but we need more help to do that. More help from the community.
    • Don: GraphQL is a compelling feature. 
    • Andrew: Making the code base more modular and more accessible should be a compelling reason to upgrade as well. We have been focusing on evolving the architecture and code base. 
  • Mike: We’ve committed to releasing a new version every year. We need a security patch! 
  • Don: to create a listener on Vitro, to update the SOLR index, William couldn’t get it to work with SDB but he could TDB.
    • Mike: Graham is doing pull requests on SDB code on Jena code and has been keeping it viable. 
  • TDB vs. SDB is under special topics on the agenda.
    • Mike: Graham should be involved.  Huda posted this message in SLACK: fyi,
      • "The Jena developers recommend the TDB component for a much more scalable and performant alternative though we appreciate that many people may have a requirement to use SQL."
      • Not sure it can be any clearer.
    • Don: could we have a running list of pros vs. cons? Andrew: this should be put in front of the community in plenty of time.
  • Andrew: Sprint item 3biv -- TPF -- should we be talking about externalizing the triplestore first? People are interested in BlazeGraph -- used in WikiData. 
  • Re: 3biii -- Kristina is hoping to be free to work on the sprint weeks.
    • She will be pulling the Orcid data in outside the VIVO.
    • Mike: we’re still working on how the Orcid integration should work. Some people want just the DOIs.
    • Andrew: are we pulling and/or pushing from Orcid and how will that look in VIVO?
    • Kristina: not sure how to do a GUI in VIVO yet.
  • PubMed and Orcid integration are both in 1.11 -- actually it’s a self-edit feature where users can edit DOI which can allow users to pull metadata from CrossRef and PubMed.  You can turn off if you want. 
  • Kristina: saves the access token to a separate dB so that info can be added if necessary. She could refine during the sprint. It’s in a SQL database but would be great to store in VIVO itself.
    • Mike: post to developer slack.
  • William might be available for the sprint and vitro messaging.
  • Ralph will help with NEMO Freemarker templates.  
  • Please join the Monday sprint! Andrew will send an invitation.



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