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The DSpace budget for 2019-2020 is now available in the Lyrasis format. It reflects transitioning the previous balance, including the difference in which DuraSpace and Lyrasis itemize things (e.g. staff time and benefits were combined into one - they are now separated). The new budget includes updated projections for the year. Given the revenue projections and the costs, this fiscal year should see about $30,000 profit for DSpace.

Jyrki: Would it be possible to collect additional funding on one-time basis to speed up the development of the platform? Will this be something that Lyrasis and/or the community will support?

Lieven: We don't have specific problems finishing up DSpace 7. It is currently driven by 2 service providers (Atmire and 4Science). Additional funding would help speed things up but would not be to fix any problems. Extra funding could be used to attract external developers. A number of features could be listed for institutions to volunteer to contribute towards the development of that specific feature. It is important to note that onboarding new developers requires mentoring that would take away from dev work - so the improvement would not be felt short term.

Jyrki: Further discussion of a concrete plan should be discussed within SG. 

Lieven: The soonest we will be able address this is after the current Estimation Process.

DSpace 7 communication

Update from the DSpace 7 Marketing Group (Heather & Suzanna). The community is expecting dates for the beta release. The group proposes to make it clear that as an OS community, they can't commit to a specific date. Instead the group is focusing on quality and development efforts. The emphasis will be on a positive message. More accurate information will be available after the Estimation Process is completed. In the meantime institutions can be encouraged to go ahead with DSpace 6.

Report from the North American DSpace meeting

Update from John Butler. The 2019 North American DSpace User Group Meeting was held in Minneapolis on September 23 & 24. Had 50 attendees from the US, Canada, Belgium, Italy. The workshops were a recap of the OR2019 workshops in Hamburg, plus lightning talks, discussions and presentations. Workshops from day 1 were recorded and will be available on the Wiki.

Next LG chair

We are looking for a person who would be interested in chairing the Leadership Group.