Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



  • The


  • groundwork


  • has


  • been


  • laid


  • for


  • the


  • establishment


  • of


  • the


  • long-awaited


  • certification


  • process


  • for


  • digital


  • repositories.


  • Over


  • the


  • last


  • three


  • years,


  • the




  • task


  • force


  • has


  • worked


  • to


  • define


  • and


  • articulate


  • criteria


  • or


  • indicators


  • of


  • trustworthiness


  • and


  • reliability


  • for


  • digital


  • repositories.


  •   The


  • Center


  • for


  • Research


  • Libraries


  • now


  • offers


  • a


  • service


  • to


  • its


  • members


  • who


  • want


  • to


  • use


  • the


  • certification


  • process.



  • Criteria


  • and


  • Checklist


  • provides


  • the


  • opportunity


  • for


  • repositories


  • to


  • establish


  • themselves


  • as


  • trustworthy


  • and


  • to


  • be


  • certified


  • by


  • an


  • independent


  • third


  • party.






  • Data


  • Dictionary.


  •   The


  • objectives


  • of




  • were


  • 1)


  • to


  • develop


  • a


  • core


  • preservation


  • metadata


  • set,


  • supported


  • by


  • a


  • data


  • dictionary,


  • with


  • broad


  • applicability


  • across


  • the


  • digital


  • preservation


  • community


  • and


  • 2)


  • to


  • identify


  • and


  • evaluate


  • alternative


  • strategies


  • for


  • encoding,


  • storing,


  • and


  • managing


  • preservation


  • metadata


  • in


  • digital


  • preservation


  • systems.


  •   The




  • data


  • dictionary


  • and


  • XML


  • schema


  • are


  • maintained


  • by


  • the




  • maintenance


  • activity,


  • hosted


  • by


  • the


  • Library


  • of


  • Congress.


  • The


  • dictionary


  • may


  • be


  • accessed


  • at

