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  • Steven Folsom keep track of cataloger perspective on work to support LC Names is in QA with context 
    • 2019-01-11 - Dave had added LCNAF to D.A.V.E. and Steven is working on the context needed for the search lookup UI. 
    • 2019-01-18 - Some discussion of language tags and two actions below
    • 2019-02-01 - Action yesterday. Working with Dave on whether that spreadsheet has all the right information (particularly about need for prefLabel or not, language tags or not).. may be resolved today?!
  • E. Lynette Rayle priority is completion of
    • 2019-01-25: significant progress. refactored code showing context; fails on certain LD paths and doesn't expand out URIs (e.g.: if do broader, will only give URI, not URI + label) - has not yet attempted to correct. Other Significant item: LDPath gem is doing load for graph every time it tries to access something (SLOW)... may need to fork LDPath gem to make more efficient since will not need to reload graph every time (for our use case). Next week Lynette is gone; week after is Exhibits work... so likely update for next two weeks.
  • E. Lynette Rayle  (from discussion of LC Names in QA with context) 1) investigate & document algorithm for selection of languages with label and/or no label
    • 2019-01-25: no update
  • Steven Folsom going thru CUL's D&A Jira (next week or so):
  • Huda Khan & Steven Folsom to go through spreadsheet assessing difficulty and "linked data wow" factor (BfB)
  • ACTION Steven Folsom to organize meeting with D&A folks to pick top issue we might address based on the difficulty, wow and D&A input
      • Questions about relation to DCP work, but concerned about different area
  • Huda Khan is working on whether usability work on catalogs has been done internally as well as externally to CUL. Code4Lib journal and another has some details
    • 2019-01-18: Have been looking at usability work and literature. Found some older material on Blacklight tests (when facets new), not so much after that. Some log analysis on SearchWorks. Also looking at linked data browser tools. Interesting dissertation from a few years ago on LD exploratory search. See discovery folder, literature exploration NOTES DOCUMENT, initial discussions with Tim regarding knowledge panels etc. , and also Stanford NOTES FROM LAST SUMMER
    • 2019-02-01: Huda is going to work through the notes from Astrid's four user sessions
  • Huda Khan will set up another meeting with Jason, Tim, and Astrid  to plan way forward with the Discovery work plan. 
    • 2019-01-25: Huda will schedule a meeting in the not so distant future... will include Steven, as well.
    • 2019-02-01 - scheduled, 11 Feb. DONE
  • Steven Folsom will ping cohort to find "owner" for LCMPT and source of accuracy tests
    • 2019-02-01 Nancy has agreed to be sponsor/owner, waiting on input. DONE
  • E. Lynette Rayle will work with Dave on Video Game Genre Forms request – pending work from Dave
    • 2019-01-18 Still in Dave's camp
    • 2019-01-25: no progress. In Dave's camp until data is added to DAVÉ
  • Steven Folsomwill follow up with Christine and Marc about what entities we want to support lookup from wikidata
  • E. Lynette Rayle to work with Dave on QA/DAVE presentation at LD4 Conference
    • 2019-01-18 Going to do this with Dave, working on it this pm
    • 2019-02-01 Just 7 days left...
  • Huda Khan to discuss with Astrid possibility of UX presentation
    • 2019-01-18  Have discussed with Astrid. Abstract "yes" so far
    • 2019-02-01 Just 7 days left...
  • Jason Kovariwill discuss in LTS whether there a URIs from Share-VDE data that are useful and might be added to catalog
    • 2019-02-01: until we have some Cornell data back from Casalini, Jason does not want to have discussion in LTS – people will need to see / explore data before forming opinions on utility. At present, no timeline from Casalini about delivery of dataset, will follow up with Casilini now
  • Jason Kovariwill touch base with Michelle to inquire about how this cohort engagement communication transpires ... and likely correct his confusion over communication issues (how people/institutions engage beyond the Sinopia user group)
    • 2019-02-01 cohort update in planning
  • Simeon Warner re: Enhanced Discovery work, will talk with Jessie about Stanford plans and then talk to budget & finance
    • 2019-02-01 Jessie in planning work likely to start after LDCX, likely to include knowledge cards. 
  • Steven Folsom to respond to two questions on re: discog roles - and how to map
    • Done, and Tim Worrallhas implemented. Hopes to do fix some configuration issue and DRY code, then move to #36
  • ALL - discuss Cornell goals at LD4 Conference and who might go
    • Expect to send: Jason, Steven, Huda, Lynette, Simeon
    • Jason to discuss whether to spend day or half-day with Harvard folks on Thursday (topics: Wikidata, reconciliation)
  • Issues:
