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  1. Membership Task Force: David Wilcox has joined the group to help devise new solutions for increasing VIVO memberships.
  2. Development  meets weekly to discuss and work on VIVO issues. Andrew Woods  organizes.
  3. Research Intelligence Task Force:  Group is forming.  Has not yet met. Contact Tom Cramer
  4. Ontology Task Force:  Group is meeting every two weeks, led by Mike Conlon.  Current work in two areas: 1) identifiers and attributes of identifiers such as ORCiD, DOI, GRID, ISSN; 2) languages, language skills, and languages of scholarly works.
  5. Internationalization Task Force:  Group is meeting every two weeks, led by Kitio Fofackof University of Quebec at Montreal. 

Other news

  1. Architectural fly-in planning is on track.  The group has begun to meet to discuss and prepare.  See 2019 Architectural Fly-in
  2. The Research Data Alliance Workgroup on Attribution has produce a draft recommendation for modeling attribution in scholarly work.  The proposal includes a VIVO recommendation.  See Mike Conlon worked on the recommendation and was a co-author on a poster at the plenary meeting in Botswana.