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  1. Dean called the meeting to order at 2PM
  2. Introductions
    1. The group introduced Ginny Pannabecker, Muhammed Javed, and Doug Hahn as new members of the Leadership Group.  The group welcomed Anna and Rob, participating remotely.
  3. Review Agenda.  No changes were made to the agenda.
  4. Status Report
    1. Mike presented the status report, available here.  With the introduction of the new MOU, and the new budget, VIVO now has financial resources to commit.  This will be discussed at future meetings.  A budget process is needed.  The budget year begins each January 1.  Budget planning, with a new MOU begins September 1.
  5. Result of Voting
    1. Leadership Group Processes was passed by a vote of 11-0.  There was one vote was reported incorrectly.  This was corrected during the meeting.  There were five "no votes" See Voting Results.
    2. Following discussion, the group decided to try Google Forms for voting, the next time voting is needed.  An advantage is accurate recording.  A disadvantage is that the method may not help build consensus.  The group recommended a reminder to vote two days before voting closes.
  6. Processes, Responsibilities, Expectations
    1. Each member of the group had an opportunity to share thoughts about responsibilities of the members and regarding attendance in particular.
    2. There was general agreement that members are expected to attend meetings.  It is recognized that on occasion, a member will not be able to attend.  In such cases it is the responsibility of the member to find a qualified and prepared substitute.  Substitutes are important for continuity and participation.  Recurring (perhaps 3 meetings) absence of the member may lead to discussions regarding institutional representation.
    3. The group discussed the desirability of calendar invites for the meetings with time, and links to connection information and agenda.
    4. The need to define a quorum, and to define quorum in the context of substitutes was identified.
    5. The need to be prepared, having read distributed materials was discussed
    6. Each member of the leadership group represents the project.  As such, it is expected that members of the group will share their professional activities regarding VIVO with the group.  In particular, presentations, and contact with prospective members should be shared.
    7. The Steering Group will draft a statement regarding all responsibilities for discussion and voting.
  7. Annual Calendar
    1. Whereas VIVO is a volunteer activity in the context of academic and budget cycles, it is important to recognize the cycles and align VIVO activities with them.  Most US universities are on fiscal years that start July 1.  As such, budgets are developed early in the calendar year, and there may be an opportunity to generate memberships in April and May when funds need to be allocated before the end of the fiscal year.  The Duraspace fiscal year is the calendar year.  Budget development begins in September, and coincides with the updating of the MOU.  Technical activities of the project are also more likely at some times of the year and less likely at others.  Timing of the membership drive should be determined.  We also recognize that the time of the VIVO Conference is now variable, being scheduled at the convenience of the organizers in the range of June through September.  Finally, the timing of memberships, and governance elections (member elections to Leadership, community elections to leadership, choice of LG/SG chair, and selection of the Steering Group) should be specified clearly.
    2. Mike will develop a draft calendar for discussion at SG and then discussion and adoption by LG.
  8. Choosing an Acting Chair of LG/SG
    1. Dean clarified that this would be his last meeting.  The group needs an acting chair until all seats on LG and SG are filled, at which time a chair for the year can be determined.
    2. Dean nominated Julia.  Julia accepted.  The group was unanimous in naming Julia acting chair, beginning June 7.
  9. Choosing the Steering Group
    1. The group reviewed the processes for filling governance positions
      1. Bronze representative elections are concluding
      2. Community representative elections will start soon
      3. The LG will select a chair for the year
      4. The LG will select an SG
    2. The draft procedure for selecting the SG was reviewed.  See DRAFT -- 2018 Procedure for Choosing Steering Group Members.  3 members continue, two are filled by the LG chair and the project director.  Five new members will be needed to be determined by the LG.
    3. The group will discuss further at the next meeting, 2018-06-22 VIVO Leadership Group Meeting.
  10. Action Planning
    1. The group discussed the action planning process.  Activity is reported each month.  Goals are modest.
    2. The Resource Group  is meeting regularly and will meet Friday morning at the conference
    3. The Governance and Structure group is meeting regularly
    4. The Product Evolution group is meeting regularly and has significant work products.  The group held a workshop at the conference and has a draft of a functional requirements document for a new VIVO presentation layer.
    5. The Vision Group is not meeting due to time commitments.  (NOTE: Following the meeting Tom Cramer composed a short survey to assess the value of VIVO to institutions.  The survey was administered at the closing session of the conference and remains open.  It has been tweeted, and included in the weekly VIVO Updates.  You can find the survey here: )  Results of the survey will be used to help the Vision Group draft vision and mission statements
    6. The Community Development group has not started their work.
  11. New Member
    1. At this point in the meeting, Dean shared the news that the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile will become a bronze member of Duraspace supporting VIVO.  As membership is processed, the VIVO web site will be updated, and a general welcome through VIVO Updates will be made. 
  12. Tech/Governance discussion, led by Andrew Woods
    1. Project needs to decide on long term vision, handling dependencies, semantic versioning, release candidates and testing
    2. The group discussed creating a roadmap
      1. Joint meeting with interested parties, both leadership and technical.  Will be formative, expect back and forth discussion.
      2. Roadmap is tied to vision/direction
      3. Some believe every line of code should be replaced
      4. How do we handle large scale code change?  Current processes seem optimized for small changes
      5. How do we introduce new tools, new ways of building
      6. How do we understand the purpose of VIVO to build the right things
      7. Duke will share their roadmap process
  13. VIVO Vision
    1. Explains why the product exists
    2. Speaks to values
    3. Lasts over time
  14. The meeting adjourned at 5 PM