Current Release

This documentation covers the latest release of VIVO, version 1.15.x.
If you are able to help contribute to this documentation, please contact vivo at lyrasis dot org
Looking for another version? See all documentation.

The system administrator can define policies through user interface.

Access to classes and individuals

For instance, display of a certain individual of a class can be suppressed for a certain role. If that role is "public", the individual profile page is made private. The instructions how it can be done can be found at Private individual pages. Moreover, when a system admin is defining access rights for a certain class, besides defining whether CRUD operations over the certain class are available for different roles, it can be also defined whether all individuals of that class are displayed or not. The image below is part of the edit class form which can be open after log in of a system administrator by using the option Site admin → Class hierarchy → Selection of a class → Edit class.


Access to properties

Besides definition of access rights for classes and its individuals, the new role management system introduced by VIVO 1.15.0 allows definition of fine grain access rights at the level of data, object and faux properties.

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