Old Release

This documentation relates to an old version of VIVO, version 1.14.x.
Looking for another version? See all documentation.

VIVO [Pronunciation: /viːvəʊ/ or vee-voh] is member-supported, open source software, and an ontology for representing scholarship. VIVO supports recording, editing, searching, browsing and visualizing scholarly activity. VIVO encourages research discovery, expert finding, network analysis and assessment of research impact. VIVO is easily extended to support additional domains of scholarly activity.

Here we will describe the basic features of VIVO and how you can use them. Many VIVO sites customize VIVO to add local features, enriching the description of the scholarship of their institution. Here we describe only the common features of VIVO. You may wish to ask your local VIVO providers for documentation describing the VIVO at your institution.

The examples to follow use an uncustomized VIVO. Your VIVO may look different.

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