Deprecated. This material represents early efforts and may be of interest to historians. It doe not describe current VIVO efforts.

Full presentation slides: IntroToVIVO.2013.pdf


08:30-08:45 : Welcome, agenda, and introductions

08:45-09:10 : What is VIVO?

09:10-09:30 : VIVO as a Semantic Web application

09:30-09:50 : Hands on or observe: VIVO, vivosearch,, and Finding VIVO Data with the University of Florida's Public SPARQL Endpoint

09:50-10:00 : Break

10:00-10:15 : The VIVO community

10:15-10:35 : Case Study: Scholars@Duke

10:35-10:50 : Hands on  or observe: a view behind the firewall to the editing environment in Scholars@Duke; modeling humanities scholarship; comparing the VIVO ontology to SciENCV

10:50-11:00 : Break

11:00-11:15 : Case Study: VIVO@Colorado and technical aspects of a VIVO implementation

11:15-11:30 : Implementation and the open source community

11:20-11:35 : Avenues of Support

11:30-11:50 : Adoption Activities and Strategies

11:50-noon : Final Q&A and wrap up

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