Deprecated. This material represents early efforts and may be of interest to historians. It doe not describe current VIVO efforts.
Deprecated. This material represents early efforts and may be of interest to historians. It doe not describe current VIVO efforts.
Full presentation slides: IntroToVIVO.2013.pdf
08:30-08:45 : Welcome, agenda, and introductions
08:45-09:10 : What is VIVO?
09:10-09:30 : VIVO as a Semantic Web application
09:30-09:50 : Hands on or observe: VIVO, vivosearch,, and Finding VIVO Data with the University of Florida's Public SPARQL Endpoint
09:50-10:00 : Break
10:00-10:15 : The VIVO community
10:15-10:35 : Case Study: Scholars@Duke
10:35-10:50 : Hands on or observe: a view behind the firewall to the editing environment in Scholars@Duke; modeling humanities scholarship; comparing the VIVO ontology to SciENCV
10:50-11:00 : Break
11:00-11:15 : Case Study: VIVO@Colorado and technical aspects of a VIVO implementation
11:15-11:30 : Implementation and the open source community
11:20-11:35 : Avenues of Support
11:30-11:50 : Adoption Activities and Strategies
11:50-noon : Final Q&A and wrap up