Deprecated. This material represents early efforts and may be of interest to historians. It doe not describe current VIVO efforts.

Available Images

There are publicly available amazon ami's that are ready to deploy on amazon's ec2 cloud. These will run on any instance type, including the free tier micro instances (just don't expect blazing fast performance on a micro image (smile) )! They are based on ubuntu server, version 11.04 aka Natty Narwahl.

The following ami's are available:

32-bit version:

  • AMI ID: ami-41a56728
  • AMI Name: VIVO-1.3-Harvester1.3-GoogleRefine2.1-ubuntu-natty-i386-version3.0
  • Description: VIVO, VIVO harvester, and google refine pre-configured and ready to deploy

64-bit version:

  • AMI ID: ami-cd8448a4
  • AMI Name: VIVO-1.3-Harvester1.3-GoogleRefine2.1-ubuntu-natty-amd64-version4.1
  • Description: VIVO, VIVO harvester, and google refine pre-configured and ready to deploy

As these get updated the ami id's could change. If your unable to find the ami id, trying performing a search for VIVO on all public AMI's or ask for the latest AMI id on the mailing list and point out this page has fallen out of date.

Launching the images

Follow this guide for launching. When you get to the issue of security group, create a new group and be sure you add ports 8080 and 80 as accessible.

Using the images

Out of the box VIVO, google refine and the harvester plus VIVO and the harvester integration is working and ready to go.

Google Refine: http://yourpublicdns:3333/

VIVO: http://yourpublicdns:8080/vivo

Harvester: /usr/share/vivo/harvester

If you don't know your publicdns address, enter this on the command line


it will retrieve it for you. In addition, the public dns is the address you used to ssh into the box

Usernames and Passwords

The linux username is ubuntu. You should autologin with your ssh key that you generated when you launched the image. Other usernames and passwords as follows in the format of "username - password".


  • root - vitro123
  • vitro - vitro123
    • has full permissions on vitrodb
  • demodb - demodb
    • has full permissions on demodb (this is the example-jdbc script database)

Webapp Siteadmin

  • vitro@localhost - vitro123

Securing and Deployment

Please change all the usernames and passwords. Otherwise, everything should be secured out of the box. For production deployment you'll likely want to get a proper hostname, setup the mysql database on amazon rds, setup apache, etc. Ask on the mailing list if your curious about pursuing these further.

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