Information on Service Design 

From the Slack Channel:

Cathy Aster

Hi All,
Has anyone heard of "service design?"
This is a fairly new concept to me. I attended a Stanford tech briefing on service design yesterday, where this definition was provided: "Service design is an approach that applies design thinking and human-centered design to services, aiming to create exceptional end-to-end service experiences."
Our team is interested in exploring some of the tools & processes of service design. First up is a training session on how to do "service blueprinting."
Does this resonate with anyone here? Any tools, tips or thoughts to share? Service design might be an interesting topic to explore during a future Spotlight Service Community call.
Best regards,

Jessica Hilt

I just read this book: This is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World:
Highly recommend it.

Beth German

I second that! And it's predecessor: This is Service Design Thinking:

Some web links for Service Design.

The websites have templates: |

This is Service Design Doing  —  Book / School / Methods
Learn how to embed service design thinking in your organization, and change the way your teams work. Benefit from the collected knowledge in the book or book an executive school. Make use of 54 free method descriptions, directly available for download.

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