If you are no longer licensing content from a particular provider, you will want to remove those books from your Libraries collection.  To do this you simply disconnect the content provider's collection from the library that no longer licenses the content.  The books from that collection will no longer be displayed or included in the OPDS feed / catalog used by the app for that respective library.  The books data will remain in the circulation-manager database but they will not be available for discovery or lending. 

Step-by-step guide

To begin you will need to log into the SimplyE Circulation Manger admin UI

  1. Open a web browser and open your circulation manager admin interface.   This is you circulation manager URL with https://circulation.libraryname-state.org/admin 
  2. From the menu bar, click Configuration to enter into the Configuration Manager portion of the Admin interface.
  3. Click Edit  Button next specific collection provider you wish to remove

    Don not click delete

    Do not click delete. If the collection is shared by another library in a multi tenant solution, it will remove the collection source from that library as well. It is safer to simply un associate the collection from the particular library and not the circulation manager.

  4. Under the section "Libraries" click the X next to the library name you which to remove the collection from.
  5. Click Submit and the collection will be disconnected from the particular library.