These are some of the practices that I (John) have followed in preparing wiki pages for the PCC ISNI training.

  • Use built-in formatting for headings. This makes tables of contents work, among other things.  Don't choose headings based on how they look.  Use Heading 1 for the main divisions of the page, Heading 2 for subdivisions of those, etc.
  • After inserting an image, click on the image, click on "Original." This seems to make it appear full size and with better resolution.
  • Click on "Border."  This puts a black line around the image, which sets it off from the text.
  • Click on the indent icon to indent the image.
  • I use the Windows Snipping Tool to copy parts of a screen.  I use the Paint program to add arrows, circles, etc., if necessary.
  • No labels