This page is part of the Google+Summer+of+Code+2007 project on Portable Citations. (Up to main project page.)
Citation Utilities
Bibme "The fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills. ... Download your bibliography in either the MLA, APA, or Chicago formats and include it in your paper."
Author: team exibeans(Alvin Fong, Kevin Liebler, Korina Loumidi, Saurabh Mundra, Nitasha Singh, Ben Tucker "BibMe was developed as part of a Software Development project course in the Information Systems department of Carnegie Mellon University. Team Exibeans worked on this project during the spring semester of 2007"), email address, Carnegie Mellon University
Bibliophile "We provide GPL PHP libraries to be used in any project for conversion, import and export of bibliographic exchange formats (EndNote, BibTeX etc.), formatting of raw bibliographic data and citations (APA, Chicago, IEEE etc.) and a range of other utilities."
License: GPL (not compatible with DSpace's new BSD license)
Bibutils "interconverts between various bibliography formats using a common MODS-format XML intermediate."
License: GPL (not compatible with DSpace's new BSD license)
Author: Chris Putnam, Ph.D.,, The Scripps Research Institute
KnightCite Create citations in MLA, APA, or Chicago formats. Extensive choices (e.g. "Preface of a Book; Cartoon; Public Address).
Author: created in 2004 by Calvin student Justin Searls; maintained by The Hekman Library at Calvin
Memento Search, store, and export articles. Write reports, share it with others, and network with professionals. Do this all in one place with Memento. Memento has thousands of article and provides range of tools to allow students, researchers, and scholars do research.
Author: Ritesh Agrawal
OttoBib exports in MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, BibTeX, and Wikipedia formats. Provides a webpage with the citation as well as a cover image. "Make a bibliography. It's free, easy and OttoMatic."
Example: MLA, APA, Chicago Format as rendered by OttoBib for a specific book
"RefDB is a reference database and bibliography tool for SGML, XML, and LaTeX/BibTeX documents. It allows users to share databases over a network....create HTML, PostScript, PDF, DVI, MIF, or RTF output from DocBook or TEI sources with fully formatted citations and bibliographies according to publisher's specifications (check out some examples). Additional document types can be easily added."
License: GPL (not compatible with DSpace's new BSD license)
Reference Manager downloadable import filters and output styles
License: Copyright The Thomson Corporation
Note: Appears to cover all Thomson-ISI bibliographic products (EndNote®, ProCite®, Reference Manager®, Reference Web Poster®, RefViz™, WriteNote™)
See also
the OpenOffice project's wiki page on Bibliographic software and standards
Citation Projects
In Progress
- Open Office Bibliographic project "The OpenOffice Bibliographic project (OOoBib) will make it easier for people to store and manage their reference data, to format their documents, and to collaborate with other users."
- Work at OpenOffice includes [CiteProc "CiteProc is a comprehensive solution for bibliographic and citation formatting. It consists of an easy-to-use XML citation style language (CSL), and the XSLT code to format documents based on them. In essence, it is designed to serve as an XML-based analog to BibTeX, but with dramatic improvements in ease-of-use, metadata flexibility, and international support." "CiteProc is written in XSLT 2.0, and as such requires a compliant processor. At this point, this means Saxon 8. In addition, it requires a data store for MODS bibliographic data. CiteProc supports flatfile and server-based options, including both SRU and XQuery. The eXist XML DB is a good option. Bibutils is an excellent tool to convert from legacy formats like Endnote, RIS and BibTeX to MODS, and back."
License: CC-GNU GPL
- DCMI citation working group
- [BiblioX "BiblioX is an attempt to create an XML-based system for formatting bibliographic citations and references using XSLT." "an experimental or proof-of-concept system. It is not finished software, as it has bugs and missing bits, and should not be used for production processing."
- Citation Oriented Bibliographic Vocabulary, Bruce D'Arcus, 2006 "A vocabulary to describe a general data model for scholarly citations. It covers three primary classes: events, agents, and bibliographic reference types. It is designed to offer a solid general relational model for citation metadata, and also to provide a specific superset of reference types in standard formats like BibTeX, RIS, and Refer/Endnote."
Citation charts, summaries, & analyses
Charts and summaries of citation formats and software
Microformats analysis of citation formats
Detailed producer and version information
Thomson's comparison of their own products EndNote®, Reference Manager®, ProCite®, and EndNote Web
Textual analyses and summaries of citation formats
[Sharpee, Paul. (2003/06/09 17:32). Review of Personal Bibliographic Systems. ILRT Research Report Number 1032. University of Bristol
University of Bristol Institute for Learning & Research Technology.|]
Comments on citation styles
Similarities and differences between different styles
Citaton Style Variations Reference styles tend to be peculiar to disciplines and to vary in the following ways. The ISO and NISO standards are probably not in themselves a sufficient guide to all of these variations. * The order of elements (especially elements such as initials) * The mandatoriness of elements (e.g. many chemistry styles leave out the article title, but biology and medicine wouldn't) * The punctuation between the elements * Capitalisation. E.g. of titles - some styles use "title case" (i.e. initial capitals for all main words) and some use "sentence case" (i.e. initial capitals for first word and proper nouns and adjectives only) * Acceptable abbreviations (especially regarding journal title abbreviations, but also element indicators such as "chapter/chap/ch", "editor(s)/edited by/ed(s)", "edition/edn/ed" * Character formatting (i.e. what goes in italic, bold, etc.) Source: , May 2007
Citation styles as information interchange formats
"Information Interchange Formats" is a new phrase to me. Might come in handy. Mentioned in this report:
Date viewed: May 2007
What are bibliographic software packages for?
There are a wide range of personal bibliographic software packages. In general, they are designed to assist in the following tasks: * manual cataloguing of bibliographic references relating to a student's or academic's personal research areas/topics; * automated collection and organisation of references from bibliographic databases, library catalogues, etc; * search and retrieval of bibliographic subsets * integration with word-processing software to automatically insert and format citations and bibliographies; * formatting of references according to particular bibliographic styles (e.g. MLA, Chicago, individual journals) and also formats for exporting to other packages and for data-sharing. Source: Date viewed: May 2007