Title (goal)
 Applications can be easily built to work against fedora
Primary Actor developers

 In creating an application that uses fedora as the underlying data store, the API should meet some very basic needs.

  1. CRUD (create, read, update delete)
  2. transactions (if the fourth API call in an operation fails, don't require the developer to roll back the previous 3, any of which steps could also fail)
  3. concurrency/locking (have other programs, users, threads modified this object since I looked at it)
  4. basic queries (does object X exist)
  5. more complex queries (does object with character X and/or Y exist)


  1. Numbers 1, 2, 4, and 5 are ready for acceptance testing as of 4.0-Alpha-4. There is a ticket to address number 3 here.

  2. Michael Durbin can you verify that numbers 1,2,4, and 5 have been satisfied as of the Alpha 4 release?