Allows HTTP GET access to RDF resources, Binary resources and their properties.


Allows HTTP PUT/POST/PATCH/DELETE on RDF and Binary resources.


Allows HTTP POST/PATCH on RDF resources.


Allows acl:Write (defined above) on resources (Jared Whiklo)


Allows HTTP DELETE on RDF and Binary resources (Jared Whiklo)


Allows HTTP PATCH on RDF and Binary resources (Jared Whiklo)


Allows HTTP PUT/PATCH on RDF and Binary resources (Jared Whiklo)

  • No labels


  1. Just taking a first stab at this – POST seems like the right verb for append. As for which resource types you can append to, I guess one could append a binary to an existing RDF resource, but you would not POST something to an existing binary. I'll be glad to hear what others think about this.

    1. I think there are two flavors of APPEND:

      1. POST a resource to a container
      2. PATCH a property to an RDF Source


      1. I agree.  PATCH makes sense.  For append, would PATCHing be limited to adding additional properties, or would it also allow changing existing properties? When I think of append, I think of adding to, but not altering what's there.

        1. Yes, I would expect PATCHing properties in the context of APPEND to be limited to adding properties, not changing or deleting properties.

          1. Sounds like we are in agreement on this.