By default, Fedora's Maven build runs against the embedded H2 database. However, the build can be configured to also run against other databases to help ensure continued compatibility with the databases that Fedora 6.0 supports:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MariaDB
  • MySQL

Note: The cross-database testing documented below is also included in Fedora's Travis-CI configuration.

Running integration tests against different DBs

Running against PostgreSQL

  1. Start your postgres database. One way of doing this is via Docker (see postgres instructions).
  2. Run the Fedora build (assuming db username and password from Docker setup above)
    1. DB=postgresql
      mvn -Dfcrepo.db.url="jdbc:${DB}://localhost:${DB_PORT}/fcrepo" -Dfcrepo.db.user="fcrepo-user" -Dfcrepo.db.password="fcrepo-pw" clean install -P db-test 

Running against MariaDB

  1. Start your postgres database. One way of doing this is via Docker (see mariadb instructions).
  2. Run the Fedora build (assuming db username and password from Docker setup above)
    1. DB=mariadb
      mvn -Dfcrepo.db.url="jdbc:${DB}://localhost:${DB_PORT}/fcrepo" -Dfcrepo.db.user="fcrepo-user" -Dfcrepo.db.password="fcrepo-pw" clean install -P db-test 

Running against MySQL

  1. Start your postgres database. One way of doing this is via Docker (see mysql instructions).
  2. Run the Fedora build (assuming db username and password from Docker setup above)
    1. DB=mysql
      mvn -Dfcrepo.db.url="jdbc:${DB}://localhost:${DB_PORT}/fcrepo" -Dfcrepo.db.user="fcrepo-user" -Dfcrepo.db.password="fcrepo-pw" clean install -P db-test 
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