Testing Tickets

RC-1 Testing

Testing Plan

git clone https://github.com/fcrepo4/fcrepo4
cd fcrepo4
git checkout fcrepo-5.0.1-RC-2

# or pull pre-built resources from https://github.com/fcrepo4/fcrepo4/releases/tag/fcrepo-5.0.1-RC-2

Issue Tests

IssueTested ByRC1RC2Notes

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Danny Bernstein(tick)

External Projects

Samvera (instructions)


Tested by

Success? RC-1




Sanity Builds



ProjectCommandPlatformTested ByRC 1RC 2Notes
fcrepo4mvn clean install



 Tested on CentOS 7

fcrepo4mvn clean install mac (tick)

fcrepo4mvn clean installwindows

Note (18 January 2018): The victims database warnings are due to the victi.ms site currently returning a 503 error. Jared Whiklo has reported this issue upstream: https://github.com/victims/victims-web/issues/155

API-Test Suite

  1. Start Fedora with the following command

    mvn jetty:run -Dfcrepo.external.content.allowed=fcrepo-http-api/src/test/resources/allowed_external_paths.txt -Dfcrepo.auth.webac.userAgent.baseUri=http://example.com/ -pl fcrepo-webapp/
  2. Run the API-Test suite with the following command

    java -jar target/testsuite-1.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar -c config-local.yml
    1. Where "config-local.yml" is something like the following

        rooturl: http://localhost:8080/rest/
        root-controller-user-webid: http://example.com/fedoraAdmin
        root-controller-user-name: fedoraAdmin
        root-controller-user-password: fedoraAdmin
        permissionless-user-webid: http://example.com/testuser
        permissionless-user-name: testuser
        permissionless-user-password: testpass
        broker-url: tcp://
        topic-name: fedora
        implementation-name: Fedora
        implementation-version: 5.0.0-RC
        rooturl: http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/
        root-controller-user-webid: http://example.com/fedoraAdmin
        root-controller-user-name: fedoraAdmin
        root-controller-user-password: secret3
        permissionless-user-webid: http://example.com/testuser
        permissionless-user-name: testuser
        permissionless-user-password: password1
        broker-url: tcp://
        topic-name: fedora
        implementation-name: Fedora
        implementation-version: 5.0.0-RC
PlatformTest Suite VersionTested byResults RC-1 (#pass,fail,skip)Results RC-2 (#pass,fail,skip)Notes
Fedora Linux 27

Bethany Seeger

Total tests run: 238, Failures: 11, Skips: 25


Mac OSXf3dd20

Total tests run: 238, Failures: 11, Skips: 25

Mac OSXbf4eb97
Total tests run: 238, Failures: 10, Skips: 25


[1] Testing scripts

[2] Fedora 4 Release Test Suite

  • No labels


  1. Trey Pendragon :  Thanks for promptly testing RC-1  against valkyrie.  We appreciate the community feedback.  One critical dependency issue was surfaced and resolved earlier this week.   I've cut an pushed a second release candidate.  I'm hoping to stay on track to release this week.  Any chance you'll be able to give valkyrie a test before the end of the week? 

  2. Danny BernsteinYup, just give me a few minutes.

  3. You completely rock.  Thanks. 

  4. Danny BernsteinCan you generate the assets on github? (JAR/WAR/MD5/SHA etc)?

  5. yes - coming right up.