Welcome to the October edition of the Fedora Newsletter. We missed you last month, but we’ve been busy, so we have lots of news to share! Read on for more information on what the Fedora community has been up to, where we’ve been and what we have in store for the rest of the year. 


Fedora in the Community 

Last month, the Fedora team made it's first international trip in nearly 3 years to present a workshop titled, Welcome to Fedora 6.0: Features, Migration Support & Integrations for Community Use Cases, at iPres in Glasgow, Scotland. Program Manager, Arran Griffith, presented the workshop to an engaged and eager group of users with the hope of broadening our international user base and increased uptake of Fedora 6.x. This well-attended hybrid conference saw over 300 in-person attendees and reached a virtual audience of 200+.  

Fedora workshop at iPres at the Tecnology & Innovation Centre in Glasgow, Scotland. 

At the beginning of October the Fedora team was also heavily involved in a variety of presentations, poster sessions and workshops at the CLIR series of events – Learn@DLF, DLF Forum and DigiPres. We had the pleasure of meeting more of our community members in person and hope to be able to continue this trend in the future. 


Arran Griffith, Program Manager, with the Fedora 6.0: Features + OCFL Poster from DigiPres in Baltimore, MD. 

Also at the beginning of October, the Fedora team along with IMLS pilot project partners, Robin Ruggaber from the University of Virigina, and Amy Blau from Whitman College, presented virtually at Access 2022 held at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Their recorded presentation provided details on the Fedora Migration Paths and Tools IMLS grant along with the successes, challenges and lessons learned from each of the pilot partners. 

Check out the “Where to Find Us” section below for more details on where we are presenting in the coming months. 

Fedora Developer Position - Update 

In August, with the help of our organization home, LYRASIS, we began the search for a part time developer to join the Fedora team as Danny Bernstein continues to transition to his new role with Palace Project and away from his Tech Lead role at Fedora. We are excited to share that we received a large amount of applications and were able to select some extraordinarily strong candidates to interview. 

After 2 rounds of interviews with LYRASIS team members and Fedora community members we are now in the final stages of interviewing the selected candidates and hope to have a decision made in the coming weeks. We look forward to expanding the Fedora program team and bringing new energy, ideas, and skills to the community to continue the amazing work of our former colleagues. 

Where to Find Us 

October Samvera Connect (Virtual) 

Presentation: It Really Does Take a Village: How the Samvera & Fedora communities are using It Takes a Village for sustainability planning. 

November Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium (Virtual) 

Presentation: Fedora – an open-source digital preservation solution 

See a conference you want to attend and have a collaborative idea you’d like to work with the Fedora team on? Email us at arran.griffith@lyrasis.org. We would love to work together on join presentations to help bring Fedora to more users. 

What’s Happening in Our Partner Communities 


  • Samvera Connect Online takes place Oct 24-27, 2022 – Register Here 
  • Hyrax-Valkyrization Community Effort concluded in September and significant progress was made during the Community Sprint 
    • Full notes on completed tasks can be found here. 
  • Samvera Technology Maintenance Hours Pledge Drive kicked off 
    • Details can be found here on how you can get involved by helping to maintain Samvera software for the global community of users. 


  • Kirsta Staplefeldt was appointed Director of Operational Strategy at the Islandora Foundation for a one-year term. 
  • Launch of the Islandora Starter Site and deprecation of Islandora Defaults 
    • Full details on this new Islandora option and the deprecation of Defaults can be found here. 
  • Islandora Carapace theme has also been deprecated due to lack of substantial code updates and use. 


  • OCFL V1.1 was released 
    • V1.1 was focused on correction and clarification based on implementation experience and community feedback. 
    • Version 1.1 is backwards compatible with version 1.0. 
    • Rocfl was updated to support V1.1 as well. 
  • Andrew Woods (Harvard) and Simeon Warner (Cornell) gave a presentation titled “OCFL: A Foundation for Digital Preservation Systems” at DigiPres in Baltimore, MD. 
    • Presentation details can be found here. 

Membership - Your support is valuable! 

Fedora is an open-source, community-supported program funded entirely by membership contributions. Your funding supports our staff who work to develop, teach, engage and support all active Fedora users. Without our members, we would not be able to support the preservation of the vital content contained within the repositories of our users. Find out how you can help. Learn more and become a member today! 

Fedora Registry 

Part of our mission with Fedora 6.0 is to better understand our user install base. As a result, we are reaching out to the community now to help with these efforts. Is your institution in our registry? If so, are all the details up to date? Check out the current Fedora Registry here: https://duraspace.org/fedora/community/fedora-users/ 

Need an update or need to add your instance? Use this link: https://duraspace.org/registry/register-your-site/ 

By understanding our install base and what versions of Fedora are being used, we will be better prepared to provide the support necessary for our entire community. 

Get Involved 

Fedora is designed, built, used, and supported by the community. Join the conversation on our Fedora Slack channel or sign up for our Fedora community mailing list to stay in the loop. You can find more details here. 

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