Cache Warming

Title (Goal)Reduce system load on harvest runs by pre-generating OAI records
Primary ActorRepository, Harvester
ScopeData access

OAI harvesting runs usually fetch hundreds of records. Generating the OAI output for each record on access time can be costly operation, especially if the process of generating involves multiple queries or generates huge XML documents. This specifically applies to records that are new in the system. It is very likely that these records get harvested soon.

The repository should pre-generate OAI output for certain records selected by a cache warm-up strategy, separating record generation from record delivery, so that extensive OAI requests can be served quickly and at low cost.

Related to: Multiple Metadata Formats

HTTP Authentication

Title (Goal)Support for HTTP authentication and access policies
Primary ActorAdministrator, Harvester
ScopeData access
StoryRepository object information should be made available for harvesting and integration as soon as possible. However, some harvesting clients may have different permissions for downloading records or accessing particular sets. HTTP authentication should provide a OAI-PMH compatible mechanism to restrict access if necessary.

Dynamic Sets

Title (Goal)Support for dynamic OAI sets
Primary ActorRepository Manager, Harvester
ScopeData access
StoryIt should be possible to define an OAI set by using Fedora object properties and predicates. Objects that fit to the defined pattern should be disseminated as members of the so defined sets.

Deleted Record Policy

Title (Goal)Support for configurable OAI deletion policies
Primary ActorRepository Manager, Harvester
ScopeData access

OAI specification describes three tracking levels for record deletion: no, persistent and transient. While NO and TRANSIENT do not provide any useful information about deleted records, PERSISTENT explicitly states the deletion of a previously existing record and thus helps to keep a harvesters database update to date. The repository should allow to configure the deletion behavior according to OAI specification.

Multiple Metadata Formats

Title (Goal)Support for multiple metadata formats beyond oai_dc
Primary ActorRepository Manager, Harvester
ScopeData access

The repository is able to store and disseminate multiple XML based metadata formats. This formats should also be accessible in OAI harvesting.

Access to some metadata formats may be restricted via HTTP Authentication.

OAI-PMH Design Draft

Design - OAI-PMH

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