It’s November! Happy Thanksgiving to our US friends and colleagues. In this issue of the Fedora newsletter, we will be talking about the newest version release of the software and sharing our plans for the new year. Read on for more information about what is happening in the Fedora community!  


Fedora Welcomes Dan Field to the Program Team  

We are excited to welcome Dan Field to the Fedora program team! Dan will be officially joining the team in a part time capacity in January 2023 as a developer. He will be available to help manage day-to-day maintenance and support the on-going development of the software. Working directly with the core committer team, he is excited to be able to provide support and assistance to our community. 

Dan has spent 19 years working in the Cultural Heritage sector in the field of Software Engineering.  His previous positions include Head of Software Development at the National Library of Wales and Cyberspace Communications Specialist with the Royal Air Force.  As someone who is familiar with the community and has worked with Fedora for 15 years, Dan has a clear understanding of the technology but also a strong commitment to digital preservation, open-source software, and the Fedora community. 

Please join me in welcoming Dan to the team! 

New Fedora Committer 

This month we are also excited to announce that Mike Ritter will become an official member of the Fedora Committer team. Mike has been involved with the program for several years, acting as a contract developer and committing countless lines of code to the core. He has also contributed a significant amount of work to the migration validation tool and continues to collaboratively work alongside the current program and committer teams, ensuring that development work continues to meet the needs of the community. 

Becoming a Fedora Committer is a great honor, and their work is incredibly valuable to the sustainability of our program. We are excited to officially welcome Mike to this group! 

Fedora 6.3 is Ready for Testing! 

The newest version of Fedora was announced this week and is ready for release candidate testing.  

The primary features/updates found in this release include: 

The following is a full list of JIRA tickets found in this release: 

Also we have release candidates for the migration-utils and fcrepo-migration-validator for migrating from F3 to F6: 

The list of features/updates can be found here: 

There are several ways you can test this release candidate: 
1) Download the one-click-run 

2) Download the war file to deploy into a servlet container 

3) Run in docker 

All feedback is welcome to ensure this RC meets all the needs of our community of users. Please provide your feedback on the release testing page. 

Where to Find Us 

November Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium (Virtual) 

Presentation: Fedora – an open-source digital preservation solution 

December CNI Fall Meeting – Washington, DC 

Presentation: Repository Migration Stories: A shared knowledge approach to lowering barriers 

    • Fedora community members Seth Shaw from Arizona State University and Kate Dohe from the University of Maryland will be joined by Julia Corrin from Carnegie Mellon University to talk about their experiences migrating different systems and the importance of this work. 

See a conference you want to attend and have a collaborative idea you’d like to work with the Fedora team on? Email us at We would love to work together on join presentations to help bring Fedora to more users. 

What’s Happening in Our Partner Communities 


  • Samvera Connect Online took place online from Oct 24-27th. 
    • All slides and recordings can be found here. 
    • Thank you for an incredible and engaging event! 
  • 2023 Technology Pledge Maintenance Drive is underway 


  • The Islandora Foundation has an opening for an intern for 2023 with the Foundation. 
    • Details and application can be found here. 

OCFL Community 

  • Seth Erickson from UC Santa Barbara has been working on an OCFL index tool to sit on top of any OCFL repository. 
    • More details on this work can be found here. 

Membership - Your support is valuable! 

Fedora is an open-source, community-supported program funded entirely by membership contributions. Your funding supports our staff who work to develop, teach, engage and support all active Fedora users. Without our members, we would not be able to support the preservation of the vital content contained within the repositories of our users. Find out how you can help. Learn more and become a member today! 

Fedora Registry 

Part of our mission with Fedora 6.0 is to better understand our user install base. As a result, we are reaching out to the community now to help with these efforts. Is your institution in our registry? If so, are all the details up to date? Check out the current Fedora Registry here: 

Need an update or need to add your instance? Use this link: 

By understanding our install base and what versions of Fedora are being used, we will be better prepared to provide the support necessary for our entire community. 

Get Involved 

Fedora is designed, built, used, and supported by the community. Join the conversation on our Fedora Slack channel or sign up for our Fedora community mailing list to stay in the loop. You can find more details here. 

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