Summer’s almost here! Welcome to the June edition of the Fedora Newsletter. This past month we were able to get on the road and see some familiar faces at Open Repositories in Denver, CO. We also met some new folks and want to welcome them with open arms to our community. Read on for more about what’s happening. 


Membership - Your support is valuable! 

Fedora is an open-source, community-supported program funded entirely by membership contributions. As we move in to membership renewals for FY2022-23, we wanted to thank all of our financial sponsors who continue to actively support this vital piece of software, used by countless institutions across the globe. Your funding supports our staff who work to develop, teach, engage and support all active Fedora users. Without our members, we would not be able to support the preservation of the vital content contained within the repositories of our users. Find out how you can help. Learn more and become a member today! 

Fedora at Open Repositories 

For the first time in 2 years, Open Repositories was held in-person in Denver, CO and we were fortunate enough to be able to participate in a variety of ways at the conference. This was an exciting opportunity to be able to reconnect with our users, meet new faces and share Fedora 6.0 with attendees. 

A special thanks to the following community members for supporting the program during the event: 

  • Jared Whiklo, University of Manitoba – Introduction to Fedora Workshop/Technical support 
  • Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia -  IMLS Grant Update Poster Session Participant 
  • Jon Dunn, Indiana University – Repository Rodeo Fedora Representative 

It's Official – Fedora 6.2 is ready to go! 

This month we officially launched the most current version of the software – Fedora 6.2. It is available for downloading and use at: 

6.2 Features and Highlights: 

  • Newly added stats end point 
  • View resources in your repository by things like mime type and byte count 
  • Asynchronous repository initialization 
  • Rebuild operation outside of the web application initialization flow so that users can start up Fedora and query the API without having to wait for the rebuild operation to complete 

All other release notes and details can be found on the fcrepo GitHub page here: 

Where to Find Us 

August – IslandoraCon, Charlottetown, PEI Canada 

Presentation: IMLS Grant – Fedora Migration Paths and Tools: A Pilot Project  

September – iPres 2022, Glasgow, Scotlanld 

Workshop: Welcome to Fedora 6.0: Features, Migration Support & Integrations for Community Use Cases 

Thinking about heading to iPres? The Fedora Team is still seeking info on interest on travel to Scotland in a SURVEY HERE. We are seeking the community’s thoughts on a Fedora gathering in conjunction with the conference dates (Sept 12-16, 2022) and are using the survey information to plan accordingly. 

See a conference you want to attend and have a collaborative idea you’d like to work with the Fedora team on? Email us at We would love to work together on join presentations to help bring Fedora to more users. 

What’s Happening in Our Partner Communities 


  • Call for Proposals for is now open for Samvera Connect 2022 taking place at the University of Notre Dame from October 24-27, 2022. Submit your proposal here until Aug 8, 2022. 
  • Hyku 4.0 released featuring: 


  • IslandoraCon will be held August 2-5,2022 at UPEI in Charlottetown, PEI. 
  • Documentation Sprint taking place June 20-29 

Fedora Registry 

Part of our mission with Fedora 6.0 is to better understand our user install base. As a result, we are reaching out to the community now to help with these efforts. Is your institution in our registry? If so, are all the details up to date? Check out the current Fedora Registry here: 

Need an update or need to add your instance? Use this link: 

By understanding our install base and what versions of Fedora are being used, we will be better prepared to provide the support necessary for our entire community. 

Get Involved 

Fedora is designed, built, used, and supported by the community. Join the conversation on our Fedora Slack channel or sign up for our Fedora community mailing list to stay in the loop. You can find more details here. 

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